(04 November 2021) As a part its 2021 International Debt Statistics Report, the World Bank has published data on the external debt of emerging and developing countries, broken down by creditors. This data not only reveals countries — the largest single creditors — but can also be used to estimate the financial power of particular creditors within a specific debtor economy. Detailed external debt data from the World Bank is now available from Knoema.

  • The World Bank data shows that since the 2008 global financial crisis China has dramatically increased lending to foreign countries. The total public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) external debt stock of emerging and developing countries that is owed to China increased from $11 billion in 2007 to $157 billion in 2019.
  • Thirty-nine countries owe China over $1 billion. Pakistan,  Angola,  Ethiopia, Kenya and Sri Lanka have the largest debt to China.

The graphs below explore the top lenders to emerging and developing economies, dig into the lending geography and totals of the major creditor countries, and provide detailed profiles of debtor countries. Choose a nation in the drop-down menu below to view country details at the bottom of this page.


Definition: "External debt stock" is the amount of a country's debt borrowed from public or private foreign lenders.

Source: The World Bank data was retrieved from WB IDS API and assembled by David Mihalyi and Balint Parragi.

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