(15 June 2021) On June 16, the meeting of the presidents of the United States and Russia will take place in Geneva. This will be the first in-person meeting of the US and Russian presidents since 2019. It can be said without exaggeration that the results of the US-Russia summit will determine the state of the global order for many years ahead (at least till 2024, the year of the next presidential elections in the United States and Russia). So the main question about the summit is, Will the United States and Russia find common ground and begin to work out ways to compromise on key issues of global development, or will the economic, political, and military confrontation between the two countries continue?

In this dashboard we summarize and compare the key indicators of the two countries' power backing their negotiation positions. These powers include economic strength, innovation, military, energy, and human powers. The comparison between two countries is not encouraging. 

  • Since the United States' power in all key areas (with the exception of nuclear weapons) significantly exceeds the power of Russia, it is unlikely that the United States will be willing to discontinue its policy of pressuring Russia.
  • The mutual economic ties between the two countries (measured by value of bilateral trade in goods compared to total trade in goods) are also too small to constitute the basis for building stable relationships.

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