(07 October 2021) At the end of June of 2021, the U.S. government hit the public debt ceiling of $28.4 trillion. According to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's estimates, under the existing debt limit the U.S. government will have to stop paying on its obligations such as social security programs, salaries and interest payments on treasury securities on October 18.

  • Prolonged debates and lack of consensus in the U.S. Congress on the debt limit led to a stock market decline through September, on the expectation that government spending cuts to sustain the debt level amid high inflation will inevitably lead to an economic downturn.
  • This week, Democrats and Republicans agreed to extend the public debt ceiling until December 3 and allow the US government to borrow an additional $480 billion.

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رؤى ذات صلة من Knoema

QuERI | The US Federal Debt Outstanding is Just a Number - 27 and 12 Zeros

(02 February 2021) Based on the original paper by Dr. David L. Blond, Principle Researcher and President, QuERI-International. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of Knoema Holdings and its Executive Board. In November 2020, US voters went to the ballot box and sent a Democrat back into the White House to stare down a federal deficit that grew under President Trump from $19 trillion in January 2016 to more than $27 trillion the day that Joe Biden was inaugurated. As you can imagine, the deficit hawks are out in force once again....

Household Debt in the US

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Eurozone: Governments Are Paying Less for Higher Debts

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US Purchasing Managers Index Falls Below 50, Signals Contraction

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