The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is a forum for the travel and tourism industry - one of the world’s largest economic sectors, contributing trillions of dollars annually to the global economy, creating jobs and wealth, generating exports, boosting taxes and stimulating capital investment. WTCC is made up of members from the global business community and works with governments to raise awareness about the travel and tourism industry. It is known for being the only forum to represent the private sector in all parts of the industry worldwide. Its activities include research on the economic and social impact of the industry and its organisation of global and regional summits focused on issues and developments relevant to the tourism.

The WTTC performs and publishes research in conjunction with Oxford Economics on the economic and social impact of the travel and tourism industry. The foundation of the WTTC’s research activity is a set of annually produced Travel & Tourism Economic Impact Reports. These include a global report as well as 24 regional and 184 country reports. The reports calculate the economic impact of the industry including the direct and total GDP impacts, direct and indirect employment, investment, and exports. Using models based on Tourism Satellite Accounting, the Council also reports the forecasts for these impacts. 

In this page you can explore the WTCC data with the Knoema's interactive visual gadgets. Select the indicator and the measurement level from the list at the top of the page to see the map and country ranking. Choose the country or region on the bubbletree to see the time-series of the chosen indicator since 1995 and the WTCC projections to 2027.

Source: World Travel and Tourism Council Data, 2017

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