
  • Capital:Glarus
  • Chancellor:Hansjörg Dürst
  • Canton website
  • Main Language in %:German-85.8, French-0.3, Italian-4.4, Romansh-0.1
  • Religious affiliation in %:Protestants-44, Roman Catholics-37.3, No Religious-6.5
  • GDP, millions of current CHF:2,719 (2015)
  • GDP per capita, in CHF:68,116 (2015)
  • Employed, persons:21,949 (2015)
  • Unemployment rate in % (annual average):2.1 (2017)
  • Debt of the Cantons in Francs per Inhabitant:5,353 (2009)
  • Area in km²:681 (2014)
  • Population, persons:40,147 (2016)
  • Population Density per km2:59 (2016)
  • Passenger Cars per 1000 Inhabitants:580.4 (2016)
  • Residents per Room:0.55 (2000)
  • New Housing units per 1000 Residents:4.4 (2015)
  • Rate of Vacant Housing units:1.57 (2014)
  • Without Post-mandatory Education, %:25.6 (2016)
  • Upper secondary schools, %:53.5 (2016)
  • Higher Education, %:20.6 (2016)
  • Physicians in private practice per 100 000 people:152 (2017)
  • Hospital beds per 1000 people:3.5 (2016)
  • Hospitalisation rate per 1000 people:160.7 (2016)
