National Center for Access to Justice

The NCAJ is rooted in the principle that all people should enjoy access to justice. By access to justice refers to getting meaningful opportunity to be heard, secure one’s rights and obtain the law’s protection. NCAJ uses data, research and policy analysis to expose how the justice system fails to stand up for equal justice. The organization also identifies the best policy solutions to complex problems, and assess how states measure up against those benchmarks.

All datasets: S
  • S
    • أيار 2021
      المصدر: National Center for Access to Justice
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 تموز, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Justice Index is a snapshot of the degree to which each US state has adopted best practices for ensuring access to justice for all people. NCAJ identifies four key areas-- attorney access, support for self-represented litigants, language access and disability access. The index also examine the degree to which every state complies with these four key areas.