
  • الرئيس:Droupadi Murmu
  • رئيس الوزراء:Narendra Modi
  • العاصمة:New Delhi
  • اللغات:Hindi 41%, Bengali 8.1%, Telugu 7.2%, Marathi 7%, Tamil 5.9%, Urdu 5%, Gujarati 4.5%, Kannada 3.7%, Malayalam 3.2%, Oriya 3.2%, Punjabi 2.8%, Assamese 1.3%, Maithili 1.2%, other 5.9% note: English enjoys the status of subsidiary official language but is the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication; Hindi is the most widely spoken language and primary tongue of 41% of the people; there are 14 other official languages: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskrit; Hindustani is a popular variant of Hindi/Urdu spoken widely throughout northern India but is not an official language (2001 census)
  • الحكومة
  • مكتب الإحصائيات القومي
  • السكان والأشخاص:1,435,228,798 (2024)
  • المساحة ، كم مربع:2,973,190
  • الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد ، بالدولار الأمريكي:2,411 (2022)
  • الناتج المحلي الإجمالي ، مليار دولار أمريكي حالي:3,416.6 (2022)
  • مؤشر GINI:32.8 (2021)
  • تصنيف سهولة ممارسة الأعمال:62

All datasets: 1 A C D E F G I L M N O P Q R S T W
  • 1
  • A
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data correspond to quarterly financial accounts for the general government sector and follows the ESA2010 methodology. The data covers financial transactions and balance sheet items for general government (consolidated and non-consolidated) and its subsectors. This includes a number of financial instruments (F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4, ...) as well as some balancing items such as net financial transactions, net financial worth and net financial assets and liabilties. Data are available in million of euro, million of national currency (average exchange rates are used for transactions and end of period exchange rates are used for stocks) and as a percentage of GDP (for transactions quarterly GDP is used; for stocks a rolling sum of the last four quarters is used). In the table gov_10a_ggfa, annualised quarterly financial accounts for general government are presented. For financial transactions, data is summed over the four quarters of each year. For the conversion from national currency into euro, the yearly average exchange rate is used. For balance sheet items (stocks), the annualised data corresponds to the data of the fourth quarter. The percentage of GDP data of annualised data uses annual GDP transmitted by the Member States. In the course of the annualisation, small rounding differences may be amplified. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area. Main data sources are the tables provided according to the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) N° 549/2013 of 21 May 2013 (OJ No L174/1).
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities); Average remaining maturity of debt; Apparent cost of the debt; Market value of debt.
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Approved outlay   Description: Outlay means the spending or disbursement of money. The Data contains State wise approved outlay with Development of major heads and Sub-heads like Agriculture and allied activities, Rural development, Special areas programmes, Irrigation and flood control, Energy, Industry and minerals, Transport, Science,technology and environment, General economic services, Social services, General services.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: Outlay; Plan; expenditure   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Data processed and generated by the financial resources division, Planning commission.
    • شباط 2014
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Average Allocation and Expenditure of Funds at the Block-level - Based on Sample Survey   Description: The data refers to information on Average Allocation and Expenditure of Funds at the Block-level (State-wise). It provides details of allocation of funds and expenditure in new connectivity and upgradation of rural roads in the selected sample states. The outcome is based on the sample survey undertaken by Programme Evaluation Organisation (PEO), Planning commission which covered 14 districts, 27 blocks, 138 roads, 138 habitations and 1380 beneficiary households spread over 7 states of India for 'Evaluation Study on Rural Roads component of Bharat Nirman, 2010'. The reference period for the study was 2005-06 to 2006-07.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: expenditure; upgradation; Nirman; connectivity; Rural; Road   Group: Rural Roads   Sectors: Rural; Roads; Infrastructure; Development; Urban   Note: This data set has been sourced from 'Evaluation Study on Rural Roads component of Bharat Nirman, 2010' by PEO, Planning commission; NA=Not Available
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities); Average remaining maturity of debt; Apparent cost of the debt; Market value of debt.
  • C
    • آذار 2020
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 آذار, 2020
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cpc_ecgov  The focus of this domain is on the following country groups:Acceeding country: Croatia (HR)Candidate countries: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)Potential candidate countries: Albania (AL), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (XK)
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities).
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: General Assembly of United Nations
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 19 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Committee on Contributions: Contributions received for 2020 for the United Nations Regular Budget As of 23 September 2020, 121 Member States have paid their regular budget assessments in full.   Net assessment Date is the "Date of Payment" and Number of Member States values as at month end.
    • شباط 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 شباط, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (ESA 2010 code D.5) cover all compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind, levied periodically by general government and by the rest of the world on the income and wealth of institutional units, and some periodic taxes which are assessed neither on that income nor that wealth. In ESA 2010, current taxes on income, wealth, etc. are divided into taxes on income and other current taxes.
  • D
  • E
    • آب 2022
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 31 آب, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The indicator measures the total amount of energy tax revenue in millions of euro for all NACE activities plus households, non-residents and not allocated. This shows the size that the energy taxes take in absolute (currency) terms, to complement the share of energy taxes paid by paying sector. Energy taxes are one of the four tax categories that make up environmental taxes (the other three being pollution taxes, resource taxes (excluding taxes on oil and gas extraction) and transport taxes). As per environmental taxes, the energy tax base is a physical unit of something that has a proven specific negative impact on the environment, but it is restricted to certain items that are concerning the energy sector, which also includes CO2 taxes.
    • آب 2022
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 31 آب, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The indicator measures the percentage of energy taxes that are raised against seven paying sectors as a proportion of the total amount of tax revenue raised from energy taxes. The seven sectors are: Households, Industry (except Construction), Construction, Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, Transportation and storage, Services (except wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage), and Agriculture, forestry and fishing. Energy taxes are one of the four tax categories that make up environmental taxes (the other three being pollution taxes, resource taxes (excluding taxes on oil and gas extraction) and transport taxes). As per environmental taxes, the energy tax base is a physical unit of something that has a proven specific negative impact on the environment, but it is restricted to certain items that are concerning the energy sector, which also includes CO2 taxes.
    • حزيران 2017
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 08 تموز, 2017
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This table provides a breakdown of expenditure of general government by type of transaction for the economic function 05 - Environmental protection. It represents a small part of a bigger table (General government expenditure by function (COFOG) - labelled ‘gov_a_exp’) that is compiled in the government finance statistics. The indicators are as reported under table 11 'Expenditure of general government by function (COFOG)' of the ESA transmission programme. The main data source is the national authorities. Data are presented in millions of euro, millions of national currency units and percentages of GDP. For further details please see the link below:   http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/metadata/en/gov_a_exp_esms.htm
    • كانون الثاني 2022
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 كانون الثاني, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The indicator is presented in two ways. Firstly, as the proportion of environmental tax revenues in total revenues from all taxes and social contributions. This evidences the different taxation splits that Member States have between environment and other factors such as labour and capital. Secondly, the indicator is presented as the proportion of environmental tax revenues in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This allows a comparison of environmental taxation between Member States taking into account the size of the different national economies.
    • تموز 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 11 تموز, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Definition of an environmental tax (Regulation (EU) N° 691/2011) An environmental tax is a tax whose tax base is a physical unit (or a proxy of a physical unit) of something that has a proven, specific negative impact on the environment, and which is identified in ESA2010 as a tax. Eurostat collects data on environmental tax revenue (by tax category - energy, transport, pollution and resource taxes) broken down by economic activities (tax payers) using the NACE classification for production activities plus households and non-residents. Eurostat with the European Commission's Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union also produces annually an analysis of each tax listed in the national accounts of European countries including: - assigning an economic function to each tax; - attributing an environmental code to the environmental taxes (E for Energy, T for Transport, P for Pollution, RS for Resource). These function and environmental codes are reported by countries in their national tax list (NTL) and are validated by Eurostat. Efforts are made to ensure full consistency of the data on environmental taxes by economic activities and revenue data based on the national tax lists even if some discrepancies remain for some countries.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Expenditure on social protection contain: social benefits, which consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs; administration costs, which represent the costs charged to the scheme for its management and administration; other expenditure, which consists of miscellaneous expenditure by social protection schemes (payment of property income and other). It is calculated in current prices.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Expenditure on social protection contain: social benefits, which consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs; administration costs, which represent the costs charged to the scheme for its management and administration; other expenditure, which consist of miscellaneous expenditure by social protection schemes (payment of property income and other).
  • F
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Final consumption expenditure by general government includes the value of goods and services purchased or produced by general government and directly supplied to private households for consumption purposes.
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Fiscal deficit/surplus   Description: Fiscal deficit/surplus is the difference between the government’s expenditures and its revenues (excluding the money it’s borrowed). A country’s fiscal deficit is usually communicated as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP). The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Fiscal deficit/surplus, GSDP and Fiscal deficit/surplus as percentage of GSDP of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; Deficit; Surplus; Fiscal; Gross; Domestict; product   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: "-" Deficit, "+" Surplus. Data processed and generated by the financial resources division, Planning commission.
  • G
    • نيسان 2021
      المصدر: National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA), Afghanistan
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 14 حزيران, 2021
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Macro Economic indicators for Afghanistan 
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities).
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Public deficit/surplus is defined in the Maastricht Treaty as general government net borrowing/lending according to the European System of Accounts. The general government sector comprises central government, state government, local government, and social security funds. The relevant definitions are provided in Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended.
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Public deficit/surplus is defined in the Maastricht Treaty as general government net borrowing/lending according to the European System of Accounts. The general government sector comprises central government, state government, local government, and social security funds. The relevant definitions are provided in Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The general government deficit/surplus is defined in the Maastricht Treaty as general government net lending (+)/net borrowing (-) according to the European System of Accounts. The general government sector comprises central government, state government, local government, and social security funds. The relevant definitions are provided in Council Regulation 479/2009, as amended.
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      These indicators present total expenditure of general government devoted to three different socio-economic functions (according to the Classification of the Functions of Government - COFOG), expressed as a ratio to GDP. The COFOG divisions covered are 'health', 'education' and 'social protection'.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • أيار 2014
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 كانون الأول, 2015
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Government expenditure by COFOG function and type notified by national authorities in Table 11 of the ESA 95 transmission programme. Data are presented in millions of Euro, millions of national currency units and percentages of GDP. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Main sources of data: National authorities.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      General government gross fixed capital formation (ESA 2010 code P.51g) consists of resident producers' acquisitions, less disposals of fixed assets during a given period plus certain additions to the value of non-produced assets realised by the productive activity of government producer or units. Fixed assets are produced assets used in production for more than one year.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 10 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union defines this indicator as the ratio of government debt outstanding at the end of the year to gross domestic product at current market prices. For this calculation, government debt is defined as the total consolidated gross debt at nominal value in the following categories of government liabilities (as defined in ESA 2010): currency and deposits (AF.2), debt securities (AF.3) and loans (AF.4). The general government sector comprises the subsectors of central government, state government, local government and social security funds. For further methodological guidance and interpretation, please refer to the Eurostat Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. Total government gross debt in million EUR is shown as well.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The indicator is defined (in the Maastricht Treaty) as consolidated general government gross debt at nominal (face) value, outstanding at the end of the year in the following categories of government liabilities (as defined in ESA 2010): currency and deposits, debt securities and loans. The general government sector comprises the subsectors: central government, state government, local government and social security funds.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data correspond to quarterly government debt. Public debt is defined in the Maastricht Treaty as consolidated general government gross debt at nominal (face) value, outstanding at the end of the year. Data for the general government sector are consolidated between subsectors at the national level. Data are non-seasonally adjusted.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      For the purpose of the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) in the Economic and monetary union (EMU), as well as for the Growth and Stability Pact, the current Protocol 12, annexed to the 2012 consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, provides a complete definition of government debt: debt means total gross debt at nominal value outstanding at the end of the year and consolidated between and within the sectors of general government. This definition is supplemented by Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009, as amended by the Commission Regulation (EU) No 220/2014 (which has only updated references to ESA 2010 instruments) specifying the components of government debt with reference to the definitions of financial liabilities in ESA 2010. In this context, the stock of government debt in the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP debt) is equal to the sum of liabilities, at the end of year, of all units classified within the general government sector (S.13) in the following categories: AF.2 (currency and deposits) + AF.3 (debt securities) + AF.4 (loans). Basic data are expressed in national currency, converted into euro using end-year exchange rates for the euro provided by the European Central Bank (ECB). The MIP headline indicator is calculated as: [GGDt/GDPt]*100. The indicative threshold is 60% of GDP. The data are expressed in millions of units of national currency and in % of GDP.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The quarterly government debt data are conceptually consistent with the corresponding annual data compiled on a national accounts (EDP and ESA 2010) basis. For the purpose of the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) in the Economic and monetary union (EMU), as well as for the Growth and Stability Pact, the current Protocol 12, annexed to the 2012 consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, provides a complete definition of government debt: debt means total gross debt at nominal value outstanding at the end of the year and consolidated between and within the sectors of general government. This definition is supplemented by Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009, as amended by the Commission Regulation (EU) No 220/2014 (which has only updated references to ESA 2010 instruments) specifying the components of government debt with reference to the definitions of financial liabilities in ESA 2010. The data are expressed in million units of national currency and in % of GDP. Data are non-seasonally adjusted. The differences between the annual and quarterly debt figures may arise as a result of different timetables in the transmission on revised data. Annual EDP data notified by Member States in April and October are the subject of a thorough verification by Eurostat, which can lead to a revision of past quarterly data.
    • شباط 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 شباط, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      General government gross fixed capital formation (ESA 2010 code P.51g) consists of resident producers' acquisitions, less disposals of fixed assets during a given period plus certain additions to the value of non-produced assets realised by the productive activity of government producer or units. Fixed assets are produced assets used in production for more than one year.
    • شباط 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 شباط, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      General government output (ESA 2010 code P.1) consists of the products created by general government institutional units (i.e. units within the subsectors central government, state government, local government or social security funds). ESA 2010 category P.1 includes three types of output: market output, output for own final use and non-market output.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The indicator measures the general government total expenditure on law courts according to the classification of the functions of government (COFOG). This includes expenditure on administration, operation or support of civil and criminal law courts and the judicial system, including enforcement of fines and legal settlements imposed by the courts and operation of parole and probation systems; legal representation and advice on behalf of government or on behalf of others provided by government in cash or in services. Law courts include administrative tribunals, ombudsmen and the like, and exclude prison administrations. In computing the per capita indicator, the average National Accounts (NA) population data of the reference year is used as denominator (calculated as the arithmetic mean of the population on 1st January of two consecutive years).
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 30 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Global Debt Database (GDD) is the result of a multiyear investigative process that started with the October 2016 Fiscal Monitor. The dataset includes total gross debt of the (private and public) non financial sector for an unbalanced panel of 190 advanced economies, emerging market economies and low-income countries, dating back to 1950. For more details on the methodology and definitions, please refer to Mbaye, Moreno Badia and Chae (2018). 
    • تموز 2022
      المصدر: KPMG
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 تموز, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Text from source:Please note that this content is no longer being updated. The tax rate information on this page was last updated in January 2021 and the below historical tax rate data is available for reference only. For the latest information and insights on Global Tax rates, and what they may mean for your organization, please speak with your local KPMG Tax professional. Thank you.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Government debt is defined as total gross debt at nominal value outstanding at the end of the year and consolidated between and within the sectors of general government. This definition is supplemented by Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009, as amended by the Commission Regulation (EU) No 220/2014 (which has only updated references to ESA 2010 instruments) specifying the components of government debt with reference to the definitions of financial liabilities in ESA 2010. In this context, the stock of government debt in the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP debt) is equal to the sum of liabilities, at the end of year, of all units classified within the general government sector (S.13) in the following categories: AF.2 (currency and deposits) + AF.3 (debt securities) + AF.4 (loans). Basic data are expressed in national currency, converted into euro using end-year exchange rates for the euro provided by the European Central Bank (ECB).
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe, most notably for the statistics related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). The EDP is established in the Treaty and specified in the Stability and Growth Pact legislation. The Member States report data related to the EDP to the Commission (Eurostat) which, in turn, is responsible for providing the data to the Council. European GFS, including the statistics for the EDP, are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), the EU manual for national accounts, which in September 2014 replaced the previous version of the national accounting framework ESA 95. It is supplemented by further interpretation and guidance from Eurostat, in particular the Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. Council Regulation 479/2009 as amended requires that Member States report government deficit/surplus (hereinafter deficit) and debt data related to the EDP twice per year: before 1 April and 1 October for the preceding four calendar years and a forecast for the current year. The data are reported in harmonised tables. These tables are designed specifically to provide a consistent framework, with a link to national budgetary aggregates and between the deficit and changes in the debt. They should be fully consistent with GFS data delivered to Eurostat in the ESA 2010 transmission programme. The EDP notification tables contain for general government and its sub sectors: Table 1: Summary table on deficit and debt, including auxiliary indicators (Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Interest and Gross Domestic Product - GDP)Tables 2A - 2D: Transition from the working balance to the deficit/surplus for general government sub sectorsTables 3A - 3E: Transition from the deficit/surplus to the change in debt for general government and its sub sectorsTable 4: Supplementary data. The data are presented in the Eurostat's Statistics Database in national currency, euro/ECU, and percentage of GDP. In order to reflect economic and technological developments and meet user needs, in September 2014 the new national accounting framework ESA 2010 replaced the previous framework ESA 95. This led to revisions of the time series for all Member States (please see Eurostat press release for the impact of the revisions on the government deficit and debt ratios). The main changes relate to the classification of certain entities into government and the treatment of transactions related to pension schemes. Also the concept of government deficit was changed as regards treatment of interest on swaps and forward rate agreements (Commission Regulation 220/2014 amending the Council Regulation 479/2009), according to which these flows are now recorded as financial transaction in line with the core ESA accounting framework.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 17 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • أيلول 2021
      المصدر: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, Costa Rica
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 أيلول, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      National Accounts of Costa Rica
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 15 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the functions, or socioeconomic objectives, that government aims to achieve through various kinds of expenditure, comprising detailed classifications of general public service, defense, public order and safety, economic affairs, environment protection, housing and community services, health, recreation, culture and religion, education, and social protection services.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 15 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This dataset provides a comprehensive view of government expense, including detailed classifications of compensation of employees, use of goods and services, consumption of fixed capital, interest payable, subsidies payable, grants payable, social benefits, and other expense.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 15 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This dataset provides a comprehensive view of government revenue, including detailed classifications of taxes, social contributions, grants receivable, and other revenue.
    • تموز 2022
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 آب, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This dataset provides an overview of government’s cash flows, as summarized in the Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash, for those countries compiling GFS on a noncash basis (for example, an accrual basis) and are also including a cash flow statement.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 15 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This dataset provides a comprehensive view of the integrated balance sheet. In other words, changes between the opening and closing stock positions in assets and liabilities are explained through transactions, holding gains/losses, and other changes in the volume of assets and liabilities. Data on net investment in non-financial assets – a component of total expenditure – on its components and related stock positions are provided.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This dataset provides an overview of government operations and stock positions, as well as several derived balances. The Statement of Government Operations shows revenue and expense, with their main components, the operating balance and net lending/net borrowing, as well as financing. The Balance sheet shows stock positions in assets and liabilities, with their main components, as well as net worth and net financial worth. In addition, data on gross debt and net debt are included.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 31 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data on contingent liabilities and potential obligations of government are collected in the context of the Enhanced Economic Governance package (the "six-pack") adopted in 2011. In particular, Council Directive 2011/85 on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States requires the Member States to publish relevant information on contingent liabilities with potentially large impacts on public budgets, including government guarantees, non-performing loans, and liabilities stemming from the operation of public corporations, including the extent thereof. The liabilities are called “contingent” in the sense that they are by nature only potential and not actual liabilities. Non-performing loans could imply a potential loss for government if these loans were not repaid. This new data collection represents a step towards further transparency of public finances in the EU by giving a more comprehensive picture of EU Member States’ financial positions3 It is to be underlined that contingent liabilities are not part of the general government (Maastricht) debt as defined in the Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community. Eurostat collects and publishes the following indicators: government guarantees, liabilities related to public-private partnerships recorded off-balance sheet of government, liabilities of government controlled entities classified outside general government (public corporations) and non-performing loans. Regarding government controlled entities, it should be mentioned that this refers to  government controlled units, not classified in general government, and which are controlled, directly or indirectly (through other public units), by government. In cases when the government share in a corporation is lower than 50% and government does not have control over an entity, the corporation is not considered as controlled by government. Regarding the control criteria, according to ESA 2010 paragraph 20.18: “Control over an entity is the ability to determine the general policy or programme of that entity (…)”. The criteria to be used for corporations are indicated in ESA 2010 paragraphs 2.38 and further detailed in paragraph 20.309. ESA 2010 paragraph 2.38 specifies that: “General government secures control over a corpo­ration as a result of special legislation, decree or reg­ulation which empowers the government to deter­mine corporate policy. The following indicators are the main factors to consider in deciding whether a corporation is controlled by government:(a) government ownership of the majority of the voting interest; (b) government control of the board or governing body; (c) government control of the appointment and removal of key personnel;(d) government control of key committees in the entity; (e) government possession of a golden share; (f) special regulations; (g) government as a dominant customer; (h) borrowing from government. A single indicator may be sufficient to establish control, but, in other cases, a number of separate indicators may collectively indicate control.”
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 09 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Main revenue and expenditure items of the general government sector, notified by national authorities in Table 2 of the ESA2010 transmission programme. Data are presented in millions of Euro, millions of national currency units and percentages of GDP. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Main sources of data: National authorities (National Statistical Institutes)
    • تموز 2014
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 11 كانون الأول, 2015
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Main revenue and expenditure items of the general government sector, notified by national authorities in Table 2 of the ESA 95 transmission programme. Data are presented in millions of Euro, millions of national currency units, Euro per inhabitant and percentages of GDP. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Main sources of data: National authorities
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Goods and Services Tax Council, India
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities).
  • I
    • آب 2022
      المصدر: International Centre for Tax and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 16 آب, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: ICTD/UNU-WIDER, ‘Government Revenue Dataset’, 2018, https://www.wider.unu.edu/project/government-revenue-dataset' ICTD Government Revenue Dataset, 2018 A major obstacle to cross-country research on the role of revenue and taxation in development has been the weakness of available data. Government Revenue Dataset (GRD), developed through the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD), is aimed at overcoming this obstacle. It meticulously combines data from several major international databases, as well as drawing on data compiled from all available International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV reports. It achieves marked improvements in data coverage and accuracy, including a standardized approach to revenue from natural resources, and holds the promise of significant improvement in the credibility and robustness of research in this area. Dataset contains Central, General and merged government revenue data reported as % of GDP.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 30 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Fiscal Monitor surveys and analyzes the latest public finance developments, it updates fiscal implications of the crisis and medium-term fiscal projections and assesses policies to put public finances on a sustainable footing. 
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 07 تشرين الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • آذار 2023
      المصدر: Income Tax Department, India
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 أيار, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Income Tax Department Time Series Data
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: World Bank
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Raviraj Mahendran
      تم الوصول في: 05 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: The World Bank https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ Topic: International Debt Statistics Publication: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/international-debt-statistics License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for low- and middle-income countries. Includes over 200 time series indicators from 1970 to 2016, for most reporting countries, and pipeline data for scheduled debt service payments on existing commitments to 2024. Note: Total reserves in months of imports=(Total reserves/Total Imports)*12
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 16 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: International Financial Statistics (IFS), The International Monetary Fund. The International Financial Statistics database covers about 200 countries and areas, with some aggregates calculated for selected regions, plus some world totals. Topics covered include balance of payments, commodity prices, exchange rates, fund position, government finance, industrial production, interest rates, international investment position, international liquidity, international transactions, labor statistics, money and banking, national accounts, population, prices, and real effective exchange rates. The International Financial Statistics is based on various IMF data collections. It includes exchange rates series for all Fund member countries plus Anguilla, Aruba, China, PR: Hong Kong, China, PR: Macao, Montserrat, and the Netherlands Antilles. It also includes major Fund accounts series, real effective exchange rates, and other world, area, and country series. Data are available for most IMF member countries with some aggregates calculated for select regions, plus some world totals. National Accounts, Indicators of Economic Activity, Labor Markets, Prices, Government and Public Sector Finance, Financial Indicators, Balance of Payments, International Investment Position, International Reserves, Fund Accounts, External Trade, Exchange Rates, and Population.
    • أيار 2023
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Felix Maru
      تم الوصول في: 29 أيار, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: Food and Agriculture Organization
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are collected directly from countries using a FAO questionnaire, which was developed in partnership with the International Monetary Fund, as the IMF collects global data on government expenditures and is the international organization responsible for developing guidelines on the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG). The FAO questionnaire obtains additional detail relevant to Agriculture and Rural Development not available from the IMF questionnaire. The FAO dataset consists of a time series, from 2000 onwards, of government expenditures in terms of expenditures in: (1) Total; (2) Economic affairs; (3) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, along with its three disaggregated subsectors of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; and 4) Environmental Protection. In addition, expenditures in each detailed function are further disaggregated into recurrent and capital expenditures, the latter of which serves as a proxy for expenditures in investment goods. Additional indicators include the total share of government expenditures allocated to agriculture, and an agriculture orientation index (ratio of the total share of government expenditures to agriculture, over the total share of GDP from agricultural value-added). Though the goal is to have complete and consistent coverage for all countries, relatively low response rates for this new domain and country level differences in data collection and reporting creates some challenges in providing a complete and consistent global dataset.
  • L
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 31 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data on contingent liabilities and potential obligations of government are collected in the context of the Enhanced Economic Governance package (the "six-pack") adopted in 2011. In particular, Council Directive 2011/85 on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States requires the Member States to publish relevant information on contingent liabilities with potentially large impacts on public budgets, including government guarantees, non-performing loans, and liabilities stemming from the operation of public corporations, including the extent thereof. The liabilities are called “contingent” in the sense that they are by nature only potential and not actual liabilities and can materialise as actual government liabilities only if certain specific conditions prevail. Non-performing loans could imply a potential loss for government if these loans were not repaid by their original debtor. This new data collection represents a step towards further transparency of public finances in the EU by giving a more comprehensive picture of EU Member States’ financial positions. It is to be underlined that contingent liabilities are not part of the general government (Maastricht) debt as defined in the Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community. Eurostat collects and publishes the following indicators: government guarantees, liabilities related to public-private partnerships recorded off-balance sheet of government, liabilities of government controlled entities classified outside general government (public corporations) and non-performing loans (government assets). Regarding government controlled entities, it should be mentioned that this refers to  government controlled units, not classified in general government, and which are controlled, directly or indirectly (through other public units), by government. In cases when the government share in a corporation is lower than 50% and government does not have control over an entity, the corporation is not considered as controlled by government. Regarding the control criteria, according to ESA 2010 paragraph 20.18: “Control over an entity is the ability to determine the general policy or programme of that entity (…)”. The criteria to be used for corporations are indicated in ESA 2010 paragraphs 2.38 and further detailed in paragraph 20.309. ESA 2010 paragraph 2.38 specifies that: “General government secures control over a corpo­ration as a result of special legislation, decree or reg­ulation which empowers the government to deter­mine corporate policy. The following indicators are the main factors to consider in deciding whether a corporation is controlled by government:(a) government ownership of the majority of the voting interest; (b) government control of the board or governing body; (c) government control of the appointment and removal of key personnel;(d) government control of key committees in the entity; (e) government possession of a golden share; (f) special regulations; (g) government as a dominant customer; (h) borrowing from government. A single indicator may be sufficient to establish control, but, in other cases, a number of separate indicators may collectively indicate control.”
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 31 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data on contingent liabilities and potential obligations of government are collected in the context of the Enhanced Economic Governance package (the "six-pack") adopted in 2011. In particular, Council Directive 2011/85 on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States requires the Member States to publish relevant information on contingent liabilities with potentially large impacts on public budgets, including government guarantees, non-performing loans, and liabilities stemming from the operation of public corporations, including the extent thereof. The liabilities are called “contingent” in the sense that they are by nature only potential and not actual liabilities. Non-performing loans could imply a potential loss for government if these loans were not repaid. This new data collection represents a step towards further transparency of public finances in the EU by giving a more comprehensive picture of EU Member States’ financial positions3 It is to be underlined that contingent liabilities are not part of the general government (Maastricht) debt as defined in the Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community. Eurostat collects and publishes the following indicators: government guarantees, liabilities related to public-private partnerships recorded off-balance sheet of government, liabilities of government controlled entities classified outside general government (public corporations) and non-performing loans. Regarding government controlled entities, it should be mentioned that this refers to  government controlled units, not classified in general government, and which are controlled, directly or indirectly (through other public units), by government. In cases when the government share in a corporation is lower than 50% and government does not have control over an entity, the corporation is not considered as controlled by government. Regarding the control criteria, according to ESA 2010 paragraph 20.18: “Control over an entity is the ability to determine the general policy or programme of that entity (…)”. The criteria to be used for corporations are indicated in ESA 2010 paragraphs 2.38 and further detailed in paragraph 20.309. ESA 2010 paragraph 2.38 specifies that: “General government secures control over a corpo­ration as a result of special legislation, decree or reg­ulation which empowers the government to deter­mine corporate policy. The following indicators are the main factors to consider in deciding whether a corporation is controlled by government:(a) government ownership of the majority of the voting interest; (b) government control of the board or governing body; (c) government control of the appointment and removal of key personnel;(d) government control of key committees in the entity; (e) government possession of a golden share; (f) special regulations; (g) government as a dominant customer; (h) borrowing from government. A single indicator may be sufficient to establish control, but, in other cases, a number of separate indicators may collectively indicate control.”
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities).
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Long term government bond yields are calculated as monthly averages (non seasonally adjusted data). They refer to central government bond yields on the secondary market, gross of tax, with a residual maturity of around 10 years. The bond or the bonds of the basket have to be replaced regularly to avoid any maturity drift. This definition is used in the convergence criteria of the Economic and Monetary Union for long-term interest rates, as required under Article 121 of the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Protocol on the convergence criteria. Data are presented in raw form. Source: European Central Bank (ECB)
  • M
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 26 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • آذار 2023
      المصدر: U.S. Department of the Treasury
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data in this table include foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury marketable and non-marketable bills, bonds, and notes reported monthly under the Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting system. The data are collected primarily from U.S.-based custodians. Since U.S. securities held in overseas custody accounts may not be attributed to the actual owners, the data may not provide a precise accounting of individual country ownership of Treasury securities (see TIC FAQ #7 at: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/tic/Pages/ticfaq1.aspx). -- Data for December 2011 and later include holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes as reported on TIC Form SLT, "Aggregate Holdings of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents.", including preliminary SLT data for the most recent month on the MFH table. -- The data before December 2011 were collected primarily from U.S.-based custodians and broker-dealers. Those data includes estimated foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds and notes based on adding monthly net transactions from the TIC S Form to the holdings in the most recent annual Survey of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities. See footnotes 16 and 17 for details about the transition period during the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2011.
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities); Average remaining maturity of debt; Apparent cost of the debt; Market value of debt.
  • N
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      It provides a faithful image, to the greatest extent possible, of the aggregates and balances of the general government sector in the SNA 1993 conceptual framework. In addition, it brings to light two relevant aggregates that do not belong to this conceptual frame work: the Total Revenue and the Total Expenditure of the general government sector. Unit of measure used - National currency; current prices. Expressed in millions.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      It provides a breakdown of government expenditure according to their function. To meet this end, economic flows of expenditure must be aggregated according to the Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG).
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 31 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data on contingent liabilities and potential obligations of government are collected in the context of the Enhanced Economic Governance package (the "six-pack") adopted in 2011. In particular, Council Directive 2011/85 on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States requires the Member States to publish relevant information on contingent liabilities with potentially large impacts on public budgets, including government guarantees, non-performing loans, and liabilities stemming from the operation of public corporations, including the extent thereof. The liabilities are called “contingent” in the sense that they are by nature only potential and not actual liabilities. Non-performing loans could imply a potential loss for government if these loans were not repaid. This new data collection represents a step towards further transparency of public finances in the EU by giving a more comprehensive picture of EU Member States’ financial positions3 It is to be underlined that contingent liabilities are not part of the general government (Maastricht) debt as defined in the Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community. Eurostat collects and publishes the following indicators: government guarantees, liabilities related to public-private partnerships recorded off-balance sheet of government, liabilities of government controlled entities classified outside general government (public corporations) and non-performing loans. Regarding government controlled entities, it should be mentioned that this refers to  government controlled units, not classified in general government, and which are controlled, directly or indirectly (through other public units), by government. In cases when the government share in a corporation is lower than 50% and government does not have control over an entity, the corporation is not considered as controlled by government. Regarding the control criteria, according to ESA 2010 paragraph 20.18: “Control over an entity is the ability to determine the general policy or programme of that entity (…)”. The criteria to be used for corporations are indicated in ESA 2010 paragraphs 2.38 and further detailed in paragraph 20.309. ESA 2010 paragraph 2.38 specifies that: “General government secures control over a corpo­ration as a result of special legislation, decree or reg­ulation which empowers the government to deter­mine corporate policy. The following indicators are the main factors to consider in deciding whether a corporation is controlled by government:(a) government ownership of the majority of the voting interest; (b) government control of the board or governing body; (c) government control of the appointment and removal of key personnel;(d) government control of key committees in the entity; (e) government possession of a golden share; (f) special regulations; (g) government as a dominant customer; (h) borrowing from government. A single indicator may be sufficient to establish control, but, in other cases, a number of separate indicators may collectively indicate control.”
  • O
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 14 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Official development assistance (ODA) consists of grants or loans that are undertaken by the official sector with the objective of promoting economic development and welfare in recipient countries. Disbursements record the actual international transfer of financial resources, or of goods or services valued at the cost of the donor. ODA is here presented as a share of Gross National Income (GNI). GNI at market prices equals Gross Domestic Product (GDP) minus primary income payable by resident units to non-resident units, plus primary income receivable by resident units from the rest of the world. The list of countries and territories eligible to receive ODA is determined by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee. Since reference year 2016, the EU27 (from 2020) aggregate refers to the ODA provided by the EU and its Member States 'EU collective ODA'.
  • P
    • حزيران 2020
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 24 حزيران, 2020
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Principal Global Indicators (PGI) dataset provides internationally comparable data for the Group of 20 economies (G-20) and economies with systemically important financial sectors that are not members of the G-20. The PGI facilitates the monitoring of economic and financial developments for these jurisdictions. Launched in 2009, the PGI website is hosted by the IMF and is a joint undertaking of the Inter-Agency Group of Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG).
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the net flow of debt securities (F.3) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in % of GDP. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the net flow of debt securities (F.3) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in % of GDP and in million units of national currency. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the net flow of loans (F.4) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in % of GDP. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the net flow of loans (F.4) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in million units of national currency. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The private sector debt is the stock of liabilities held by the sectors Non-Financial corporations, Households and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.11_S.14_S.15). The instruments that are taken into account to compile private sector debt are Debt securities (F.3) and Loans (F.4). Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. do not taking into account transactions within the same sector, and expressed in % of GDP and million of national currency. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010. The MIP scoreboard indicator is the stock of private sector debt in percentage of GDP. The indicator is calculated as: [PSDt/GDPt]*100. The indicative threshold of private sector debt is 133%.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the stock of liabilities of debt securities (F.3) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in % of GDP. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the stock of liabilities of debt securities (F.3) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in million units of national currency. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The table presents the stock of liabilities of loans (F.4) for the sectors Non-Financial corporations (S.11), Households (S.14) and Non-Profit institutions serving households (S.15). The debt securities are negotiable financial instruments serving as evidence of debt. Data are presented in consolidated terms, i.e. data do not take into account transactions within the same sector and expressed in million units of national currency. Definitions regarding sectors and instruments are based on the ESA 2010.
    • تشرين الأول 2018
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 تشرين الثاني, 2018
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This indicator is defined as total public expenditure on education, expressed as a percentage of GDP. Generally, the public sector funds education either by bearing directly the current and capital expenses of educational institutions or by supporting students and their families with scholarships and public loans as well as by transferring public subsidies for educational activities to private firms or non-profit organisations. Both types of transactions together are reported as total public expenditure on education.
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Public expenditure ratio   Description: Public expenditure means the expenses or expenditure made by the Government for the betterment of the public. Public expenditure can promote growth by financing essential public services, such as security, infrastructure and education. The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Total expenditure, GSDP and Public expenditure ratio (total expenditure/ GSDP) of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; expenditure; Gross; domestic   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Source: Fiscal Indicators of the States submitted along with Book of Estimates for Annual Plan 2014-15 & RBI- A Study of Budgets. GSDP - CSO as on 01.03.2014. Data processed and generated by the financial resources division, Planning commission.
  • Q
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: World Bank
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: The World Bank https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ Topic:Quarterly External Debt Statistics GDDS Publication: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/quarterly-external-debt-statistics-gdds License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   The World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) GDDS database. This database is consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide) and Sixth Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The QEDS GDDS database provides external debt data, starting from 2002Q4, for an extension of countries that participate in the IMF's General Data Dissemination System (GDDS).
    • كانون الثاني 2023
      المصدر: World Bank
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 كانون الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: The World Bank https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ Topic:Quarterly External Debt Statistics SDDS Publication: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/quarterly-external-debt-statistics-sdds License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   In October 2014, the World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) SDDS database. This database is consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide) and Sixth Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The QEDS SDDS database provides detailed external debt data starting from 1998Q1. Data are published individually by countries that subscribe to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), as well as, GDDS participating countries that are in a position to produce the external debt data prescribed by the SDDS.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data correspond to quarterly financial accounts for the general government sector and follows the ESA2010 methodology. The data covers financial transactions and balance sheet items for general government (consolidated and non-consolidated) and its subsectors. This includes a number of financial instruments (F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4, ...) as well as some balancing items such as net financial transactions, net financial worth and net financial assets and liabilties. Data are available in million of euro, million of national currency (average exchange rates are used for transactions and end of period exchange rates are used for stocks) and as a percentage of GDP (for transactions quarterly GDP is used; for stocks a rolling sum of the last four quarters is used). In the table gov_10a_ggfa, annualised quarterly financial accounts for general government are presented. For financial transactions, data is summed over the four quarters of each year. For the conversion from national currency into euro, the yearly average exchange rate is used. For balance sheet items (stocks), the annualised data corresponds to the data of the fourth quarter. The percentage of GDP data of annualised data uses annual GDP transmitted by the Member States. In the course of the annualisation, small rounding differences may be amplified. Geographic coverage: EU and euro area. Main data sources are the tables provided according to the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) N° 549/2013 of 21 May 2013 (OJ No L174/1).
    • آب 2014
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 تشرين الثاني, 2015
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      'Quarterly government debt' is defined as the total gross debt at nominal value outstanding at the end of each quarter for the general government sector (ref. Regulation  (EU) No 549/2013, Annex B transmission programme, definition of general government sector ESA 2010 §2.111). Data are measured in million Euro, million of national currency units, percentage of GDP and percentage of total consolidated debt. Data cover EU Member States and Norway. Quarterly data on government debt is provided according to the provisions of the European System of Accounts ESA 2010 (Regulation (EU) No 549/2013). Data is transmitted by national authorities (National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks or Ministries of Finance).
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The data correspond to quarterly non-financial accounts for the general government sector which are conceptually consistent with the corresponding annual data compiled on a national accounts (ESA2010) basis. The data sets contain quarterly general government total expenditure and total revenue figures, as well as their breakdowns by relevant categories and the resulting quarterly government deficit/surplus.
    • آب 2014
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 29 تشرين الثاني, 2015
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
  • R
  • S
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Salary expenditure   Description: An expense or expenditure made to the employees for their work in terms of salary is know as Salary expenditure. It is an outflow of money from the Government for different services. The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Salary expenditure, total expenditure, Revenue Expenditure, Salary expenditure as percentage of revenue expenditure (net of IP & Pension) and Salary expenditure as percentage of total expenditure of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: Revenue; expenditure; Plan   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Source: Fiscal Indicators of the States submitted along with Book of Estimates for Annual Plan 2014-15 & RBI- A Study of Budgets. Data processed and generated by the financial resources division, Planning commission.
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Salary expenditure   Description: An expense or expenditure made to the employees for their work in terms of salary is know as Salary expenditure. It is an outflow of money from the Government for different services. The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Salary expenditure, total expenditure, Revenue Expenditure, Salary expenditure as percentage of revenue expenditure (net of IP & Pension) and Salary expenditure as percentage of total expenditure of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: Revenue; expenditure; Plan   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Source: Fiscal Indicators of the States submitted along with Book of Estimates for Annual Plan 2014-15 & RBI- A Study of Budgets. Data processed and generated by the financial resources division, Planning commission.
    • آذار 2018
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 17 آذار, 2018
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      18.1. Source data
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Social allocation ratio   Description: Social allocation ratio is calculated as per the formula (Social allocation ratio = social sector expenditure/ total expenditure). It contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Total expenditure and Social expenditure. The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Total expenditure, Social expenditure and Social allocation ratio (social sector expenditure/ total expenditure) of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: expenditure; Allocation; Ratio   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Source: (i) Social Sector Expenditure - Statement 46 of State Finances (RBI) & (ii) Total Expenditure - Fiscal Indicators of the States/Uts. Data processed and generated by the financial resources division, Planning commission.
    • شباط 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 شباط, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Social benefits (other than social transfers in kind) paid by government (ESA 2010 code D.62) are transfers to households, in cash or in kind, intended to relieve them from financial burden of a number of risks or needs (by convention: sickness, invalidity, disability, occupational accident or disease, old age, survivors, maternity, family, promotion of employment, unemployment, housing, education and general neediness), made through collective schemes, or outside such schemes by government units.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Social benefits consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, by social protection schemes to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs. The functions (or risks) are: sickness/healthcare, disability, old age, survivors, family/children, unemployment, housing, social exclusion not elsewhere classified (n.e.c).
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Social benefits consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, by social protection schemes to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Receipts of social protection schemes comprise social contributions, general government contributions and other receipts. Employers' social contributions are the costs incurred by employers to secure entitlement to social benefits for their employees, former employees and their dependants. Employers' social contributions may be actual or imputed; they can be paid by resident or non-resident employers.
    • كانون الأول 2023
      المصدر: Reserve Bank of India
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Raviraj Mahendran
      تم الوصول في: 19 كانون الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Note: FY2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-21 have been considered as 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. Capital Disbursements and Receipts, Expenditure and Revenue of India
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data are the result of the annual structure of government debt survey and cover the EU countries as well as Norway. The following series are available: Central government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; State government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Local government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Social security funds gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; General government gross debt by initital maturity and sector of debt holder; Debt by currency of issuance; Government guarantees (contingent liabilities).
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Fiscal deficit/surplus   Description: Fiscal deficit/surplus is the difference between the government’s expenditures and its revenues (excluding the money it’s borrowed). A country’s fiscal deficit is usually communicated as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP). The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Fiscal deficit/surplus, GSDP and Fiscal deficit/surplus as percentage of GSDP of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; Deficit; Surplus; Fiscal; Gross; Domestict; product   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Fiscal Deficit as % of GSDP figures from 1997-98 to 2013-14 (as on 30 Nov., 2014) where GSDP means Gross State Domestic Product as Constant 2004-05 Prices.
    • تشرين الأول 2018
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Own tax revenue   Description: Own tax revenue means Government income due to taxation. The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Own tax revenue, GSDP, Own tax revenues - state share & percent GSDP and Own tax revenue (as percentage of GSDP) of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; Tax; Revenue; Gross; domestic; product   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Own Tax Revenue as % of GSDP figures from 1997-98 to 2013-14 on 30 Nov., 2014) where GSDP means Gross State Domestic Product as Constant 2004-05 Prices.
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Total Liabilites   Description: The aggregate of all debts an individual or company is liable for. Total liabilities can be easily calculated by summing all of ones short-term and long-term liabilities, along with any off balance sheet liabilities which corporations may incur. On the balance sheet, total liabilities plus equity must equal total assets.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; Liability; Public; Debt; Gross; domestic   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Public Debt (Total Liabilities) as % of Revenue Receipt from 1997-98 to 2013-14 (as on 30 Nov., 2014) where GSDP means Gross State Domestic Product at Constant 2004-05 Prices.
    • تشرين الأول 2018
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Revenue deficit/surplus   Description: Revenue deficit occurs when the actual amount of revenue received and/or the actual amount of expenditures do not correspond with predicted revenue and expenditure figures. Revenue surplus, which occurs when the actual amount exceeds the projected amount. The Data contains Actual, Pre-actual and Budgeted Expenditure for Revenue deficit/surplus,GSDP and Revenue deficit/surplus as percentage of GSDP of states & Uts.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; Deficit; Gross; domestic; product   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Revenue Deficit as % of GSDP figures from 1997-98 to 2013-14 (as on 30 Nov., 2014) where GSDP means Gross State Domestic Product at Constant 2004-05 Prices.
    • تموز 2015
      المصدر: National Institution for Transforming India-NITI Aayog
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 أيلول, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Title: Total revenue receipt   Description: Revenue receipts includes proceeds of taxes and other duties levied by the Centre, interest and dividend on investments made by the government, fees and other receipts for services rendered by the government. These implies the governments cash inflow. The Data contains State wise Total revenue receipt as percentage of GSDP.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission   Keywords: GSDP; Tax; Revenue; Receipt; Plan; Gross; domestic; product   Group: Financial Resources   Sectors: Revenue; Finance   Note: Total Revenue Receipt as % of GSDP from 1997-98 to 2013-14 (30 Nov., 2014) where GSDP figures means Gross State Domestic Product as Constant 2004-05 Prices.
    • حزيران 2014
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 تشرين الثاني, 2015
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
  • T
    • نيسان 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 نيسان, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Information on net earnings (net pay taken home, in absolute figures) and related tax-benefit rates (in %) complements gross‑earnings data with respect to disposable earnings. The transition from gross to net earnings requires the deduction of income taxes and employee's social security contributions from the gross amounts and the addition of family allowances, if appropriate. The amount of these components and therefore the ratio of net to gross earnings depend on the individual situation. A number of different family situations are considered, all referring to an average worker. Differences exist with respect to marital status (single vs. married), number of workers (only in the case of couples), number of dependent children, and level of gross earnings, expressed as a percentage of the gross earnings of an average worker (AW).  All the data are based on a widely acknowledged model developed by the OECD, which figures are obtained from national sources. The collection contains, for selected situations, data for the following variables and indicators : a)      gross and net earnings, including the transition components "income taxes", "employee's social security contributions" and "family allowances", if appropriate; b)      tax rate, defined as the income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's social security contributions less universal cash benefits, expressed as a percentage of gross wage earnings; c)      tax wedge on labour costs, defined as income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's and the employer's social security contributions, expressed as a percentage of the total labour costs of the earner. The total labour costs of the earner are defined as his/her gross earnings plus the employer's social security contributions plus payroll taxes (where applicable). The tax wedge on labour costs structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW. d)      unemployment trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through higher tax and social security contributions and the withdrawal of unemployment, and other, benefits when an unemployed person returns to employment. This structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW when in work. e)      low wage trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through the combined effects of income taxes, social security contributions and any withdrawal of benefits when gross earnings increase from 33% to 67% of AW. This structural indicator is available for single persons without children and one-earner couples with two children.
    • نيسان 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 نيسان, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Information on net earnings (net pay taken home, in absolute figures) and related tax-benefit rates (in %) complements gross‑earnings data with respect to disposable earnings. The transition from gross to net earnings requires the deduction of income taxes and employee's social security contributions from the gross amounts and the addition of family allowances, if appropriate. The amount of these components and therefore the ratio of net to gross earnings depend on the individual situation. A number of different family situations are considered, all referring to an average worker. Differences exist with respect to marital status (single vs. married), number of workers (only in the case of couples), number of dependent children, and level of gross earnings, expressed as a percentage of the gross earnings of an average worker (AW).  All the data are based on a widely acknowledged model developed by the OECD, which figures are obtained from national sources. The collection contains, for selected situations, data for the following variables and indicators : a)      gross and net earnings, including the transition components "income taxes", "employee's social security contributions" and "family allowances", if appropriate; b)      tax rate, defined as the income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's social security contributions less universal cash benefits, expressed as a percentage of gross wage earnings; c)      tax wedge on labour costs, defined as income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's and the employer's social security contributions, expressed as a percentage of the total labour costs of the earner. The total labour costs of the earner are defined as his/her gross earnings plus the employer's social security contributions plus payroll taxes (where applicable). The tax wedge on labour costs structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW. d)      unemployment trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through higher tax and social security contributions and the withdrawal of unemployment, and other, benefits when an unemployed person returns to employment. This structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW when in work. e)      low wage trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through the combined effects of income taxes, social security contributions and any withdrawal of benefits when gross earnings increase from 33% to 67% of AW. This structural indicator is available for single persons without children and one-earner couples with two children.
    • نيسان 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 نيسان, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Information on net earnings (net pay taken home, in absolute figures) and related tax-benefit rates (in %) complements gross‑earnings data with respect to disposable earnings. The transition from gross to net earnings requires the deduction of income taxes and employee's social security contributions from the gross amounts and the addition of family allowances, if appropriate. The amount of these components and therefore the ratio of net to gross earnings depend on the individual situation. A number of different family situations are considered, all referring to an average worker. Differences exist with respect to marital status (single vs. married), number of workers (only in the case of couples), number of dependent children, and level of gross earnings, expressed as a percentage of the gross earnings of an average worker (AW).  All the data are based on a widely acknowledged model developed by the OECD, which figures are obtained from national sources. The collection contains, for selected situations, data for the following variables and indicators : a)      gross and net earnings, including the transition components "income taxes", "employee's social security contributions" and "family allowances", if appropriate; b)      tax rate, defined as the income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's social security contributions less universal cash benefits, expressed as a percentage of gross wage earnings; c)      tax wedge on labour costs, defined as income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's and the employer's social security contributions, expressed as a percentage of the total labour costs of the earner. The total labour costs of the earner are defined as his/her gross earnings plus the employer's social security contributions plus payroll taxes (where applicable). The tax wedge on labour costs structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW. d)      unemployment trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through higher tax and social security contributions and the withdrawal of unemployment, and other, benefits when an unemployed person returns to employment. This structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW when in work. e)      low wage trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through the combined effects of income taxes, social security contributions and any withdrawal of benefits when gross earnings increase from 33% to 67% of AW. This structural indicator is available for single persons without children and one-earner couples with two children.
    • كانون الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 10 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The 'unemployment trap' measures what percentage of the gross earnings (after moving into employment) is 'taxed away' by the combined effects of the withdrawal of benefits and higher tax and social security contributions.
    • نيسان 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 نيسان, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Information on net earnings (net pay taken home, in absolute figures) and related tax-benefit rates (in %) complements gross‑earnings data with respect to disposable earnings. The transition from gross to net earnings requires the deduction of income taxes and employee's social security contributions from the gross amounts and the addition of family allowances, if appropriate. The amount of these components and therefore the ratio of net to gross earnings depend on the individual situation. A number of different family situations are considered, all referring to an average worker. Differences exist with respect to marital status (single vs. married), number of workers (only in the case of couples), number of dependent children, and level of gross earnings, expressed as a percentage of the gross earnings of an average worker (AW).  All the data are based on a widely acknowledged model developed by the OECD, which figures are obtained from national sources. The collection contains, for selected situations, data for the following variables and indicators : a)      gross and net earnings, including the transition components "income taxes", "employee's social security contributions" and "family allowances", if appropriate; b)      tax rate, defined as the income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's social security contributions less universal cash benefits, expressed as a percentage of gross wage earnings; c)      tax wedge on labour costs, defined as income tax on gross wage earnings plus the employee's and the employer's social security contributions, expressed as a percentage of the total labour costs of the earner. The total labour costs of the earner are defined as his/her gross earnings plus the employer's social security contributions plus payroll taxes (where applicable). The tax wedge on labour costs structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW. d)      unemployment trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through higher tax and social security contributions and the withdrawal of unemployment, and other, benefits when an unemployed person returns to employment. This structural indicator is available only for single persons without children earning 67% of the AW when in work. e)      low wage trap, measuring the percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through the combined effects of income taxes, social security contributions and any withdrawal of benefits when gross earnings increase from 33% to 67% of AW. This structural indicator is available for single persons without children and one-earner couples with two children.
    • شباط 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 22 شباط, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Taxes on production and imports (ESA 2010 code D.2) consist of compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind which are levied by general government, or by the institutions of the European Union, in respect of the production and importation of goods and services, the employment of labour, the ownership or use of land, buildings or other assets used in production. Such taxes are payable irrespective of profits made. In ESA 2010, taxes on production and imports comprise taxes on products and other taxes on production.
    • تموز 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 تموز, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Taxes and subsidies on products are current unrequited payments to or from general government or the Institutions of the European Union that are payable per unit of some good or service produced or transacted. The tax or subsidy may be a specific amount of money per unit of quantity of a good or service, or it may be calculated ad valorem as a specified percentage of the price per unit or value of the goods and services produced or transacted.
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Social benefits consists of transfers, in cash or in kind, to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs. Expenditure on social protection contain: social benefits, administration costs, which represent the costs charged to the scheme for its management and administration, other expenditure, which consists of miscellaneous expenditure (payment of property income and other).
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Expenditure on social protection contains: Social benefits, which consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs; Administration costs, which represent the costs charged to the scheme for its management and administration; Other expenditure, which consist of miscellaneous expenditure by social protection schemes (payment of property income and other).
    • نيسان 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 نيسان, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Expenditure on social protection contain: social benefits, which consist of transfers, in cash or in kind, to households and individuals to relieve them of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs; administration costs, which represent the costs charged to the scheme for its management and administration; other expenditure, which consists of miscellaneous expenditure by social protection schemes (payment of property income and other).
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Total general government expenditure is defined in ESA 2010 8.100 and chapter 20 by reference to a list of categories: intermediate consumption, gross capital formation, compensation of employees, other taxes on production, subsidies, payable property income, current taxes on income, wealth, etc., social benefits other than social transfers in kind, social transfers in kind - purchased market production, other current transfers, adjustments for the change in pension entitlements, capital transfers and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets.
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 05 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Total general government revenue is defined in ESA 2010 8.100 and chapter 20 by reference to a list of categories: market output, output for own final use, payments for non-market output, taxes on production and imports, other subsidies on production, receivable property income, current taxes on income, wealth, etc., net social contributions, other current transfers and capital transfers.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe, most notably for the statistics related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). The EDP is established in the Treaty and specified in the Stability and Growth Pact legislation. The Member States report data related to the EDP to the Commission (Eurostat) which, in turn, is responsible for providing the data to the Council. European GFS, including the statistics for the EDP, are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), the EU manual for national accounts, which in September 2014 replaced the previous version of the national accounting framework ESA 95. It is supplemented by further interpretation and guidance from Eurostat, in particular the Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. Council Regulation 479/2009 as amended requires that Member States report government deficit/surplus (hereinafter deficit) and debt data related to the EDP twice per year: before 1 April and 1 October for the preceding four calendar years and a forecast for the current year. The data are reported in harmonised tables. These tables are designed specifically to provide a consistent framework, with a link to national budgetary aggregates and between the deficit and changes in the debt. They should be fully consistent with GFS data delivered to Eurostat in the ESA 2010 transmission programme. The EDP notification tables contain for general government and its sub sectors:Table 1: Summary table on deficit and debt, including auxiliary indicators (Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Interest and Gross Domestic Product - GDP)Tables 2A - 2D: Transition from the working balance to the deficit/surplus for general government sub sectorsTables 3A - 3E: Transition from the deficit/surplus to the change in debt for general government and its sub sectorsTable 4: Supplementary data. The data are presented in the Eurostat's Statistics Database in national currency, euro/ECU, and percentage of GDP. In order to reflect economic and technological developments and meet user needs, in September 2014 the new national accounting framework ESA 2010 replaced the previous framework ESA 95. This led to revisions of the time series for all Member States (please see Eurostat press release for the impact of the revisions on the government deficit and debt ratios). The main changes relate to the classification of certain entities into government and the treatment of transactions related to pension schemes. Also the concept of government deficit was changed as regards treatment of interest on swaps and forward rate agreements (Commission Regulation 220/2014 amending the Council Regulation 479/2009), according to which these flows are now recorded as financial transaction in line with the core ESA accounting framework.
    • تشرين الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Government Finance Statistics (GFS) form the basis for fiscal monitoring in Europe, most notably for the statistics related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). The EDP is established in the Treaty and specified in the Stability and Growth Pact legislation. The Member States report data related to the EDP to the Commission (Eurostat) which, in turn, is responsible for providing the data to the Council. European GFS, including the statistics for the EDP, are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), the EU manual for national accounts, which in September 2014 replaced the previous version of the national accounting framework ESA 95. It is supplemented by further interpretation and guidance from Eurostat, in particular the Manual on Government Deficit and Debt. Council Regulation 479/2009 as amended requires that Member States report government deficit/surplus (hereinafter deficit) and debt data related to the EDP twice per year: before 1 April and 1 October for the preceding four calendar years and a forecast for the current year. The data are reported in harmonised tables. These tables are designed specifically to provide a consistent framework, with a link to national budgetary aggregates and between the deficit and changes in the debt. They should be fully consistent with GFS data delivered to Eurostat in the ESA 2010 transmission programme. The EDP notification tables contain for general government and its sub sectors: Table 1: Summary table on deficit and debt, including auxiliary indicators (Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Interest and Gross Domestic Product - GDP)Tables 2A - 2D: Transition from the working balance to the deficit/surplus for general government sub sectorsTables 3A - 3E: Transition from the deficit/surplus to the change in debt for general government and its sub sectorsTable 4: Supplementary data. The data are presented in the Eurostat's Statistics Database in national currency, euro/ECU, and percentage of GDP. In order to reflect economic and technological developments and meet user needs, in September 2014 the new national accounting framework ESA 2010 replaced the previous framework ESA 95. This led to revisions of the time series for all Member States (please see Eurostat press release for the impact of the revisions on the government deficit and debt ratios). The main changes relate to the classification of certain entities into government and the treatment of transactions related to pension schemes. Also the concept of government deficit was changed as regards treatment of interest on swaps and forward rate agreements (Commission Regulation 220/2014 amending the Council Regulation 479/2009), according to which these flows are now recorded as financial transaction in line with the core ESA accounting framework.
  • W
    • شباط 2022
      المصدر: International Monetary Fund
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 نيسان, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The IMF’s World Revenue Longitudinal Data set (WoRLD) is a compilation of government tax and non-tax revenues from the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics and World Economic Outlook, and drawing on the OECD Revenue Statistics and Revenue Statistics in Latin American and the Caribbean.