US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama jointly held assets last year worth an estimated $1.9 million to $6.9 million, according to required federal financial disclosure reports. The range of the Obamas’ net worth is little changed from 2013, when the assets were estimated between $1.95 million and $7.15 million.

  • According to the Center for Responsive Politics estimates, Mr. Obama ranks only 143th in the list of US politicians by average net worth. 
  • As of 2013, the richest US politician was Representative Darrell Issa from California's 49th district and current chairman of the House Oversight Committee, with a net worth about $450 million. The richest woman in US politics is US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ($100 million).
  • There are no billionaires among U.S. politicians and at the other end of the spectrum, there are a few with negative reported net worth. Representative David Valadao from California's 29th district and Representative Alcee Hastings from Florida have been at the bottom of the ranking by assets for several years.


Below you can explore net worth estimates for every of member of the US Congress (Senate and House), Executives, and Justices since 2004. Select the person from the list at the top or start to type his/her name to find a person of interest easier (since the list includes more than 1,000 politicians!). 


Note: U.S. Federal law requires the president, senior administration officials and members of Congress to report their financial holdings annually. However, required disclosure forms allow public officials to report the value of their assets in broad ranges. That makes it difficult to determine a precise net worth. To calculate it, the Center of Responsive Politics (CRP) adds together the lawmaker's range of assets and then subtracts their range of liabilities. Then the midpoint of the resulting range is used to rank the filers. When further research definitively revealed a more accurate figure, it was used in place of the range. Learn more about the Center of Responsive Politics' methodology.

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