This dashboard provides an overview of major goods and services exports by country. Featured statistics include transport, travel, and government services, which are useful to examine along side the commodity export profiles on a country-by-country basis.

  • According to World Trade Organizationworld's volume of commodities and services exports has dynamically rising trend from 1980 to 2016.
  • The volume of world's commodities exports has always exceeded the volume of services exports. 
  • The biggest drop in commodities export over the past 36 years was in 2009. World exports have recorded negative annual growth in 2009, in the wake of the global financial crisis. 
  • Manufacturing exports commodity group was always the largest one. And its share in total exports' volume was 74.9% in 2016.


World Trade Rankings
World Commodity Trade Ranking | World Services Trade Ranking

Country Export Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda

Country Import Profiles
China | India | Canada | USA | Russia | Germany | Japan | France | UK | EU-27 | South Korea | Ghana | Pakistan | Brazil | Uganda

Commodity Trade Profiles
Agricultural Products | Fuels | Iron and Steel | Chemicals | Pharmaceuticals | Machinery and Equipment | Textile | Clothing


Sources: Foreign Trade



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