(December 2022) You sometimes hear, “Oh, to be young,” and there is merit to that sentiment depending on where you live out your retirement years. Retirement security is not an issue weighing on individuals alone. It is among the top social issues globally because of a simple fact: the world’s population is getting older. According to the World Bank, the share of people aged 65 and older will double by 2050 to reach 1.6 billion. Societies must grapple with how to ensure people have the resources and services to support themselves through retirement.

The Natixis Global Retirement Index (GRI) evaluates 18 performance indicators to provide an in-depth look at four aspects of standard of living in retirement, namely: the material well-being or comfort of living, access to quality health services, access to quality financial services, and a clean and safe living environment. This index is calculated based on data for 44 countries: IMF advanced economies, members of the OECD, and the BRIC countries.

  • According to Natixis’ Index, the top 3 countries by retirement security attractiveness of 2022 are Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland, unchanged from the previous year. Norway won the top in spot because of its high performance in all sub-indices. Norway’s lowest sub-index score was in finance with a score of 69% on a scale from 0-100%, where 100% represents the most favorable environment to retirement security.
  • Ireland, Australia, and Luxembourg have high index scores despite relatively lower positions in finance because of strong performance in healthcare and quality of life dimensions.
  • The BRIC countries scored poorly on the GRI. BRIC countries were the lowest scoring among ranked countries on governance, one of the most important indicators in the finance sub-index calculation.
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