Research and Development (R&D) is the field of statistics comprising data on science, technology and innovation. This data is of great significance in the modern economy as it helps to build broad and comprehensive vision of innovation activity that is acknowledged by the most of developed and developing countries as the key driver behind the economic growth and competitiveness. That is why, policymakers try to induce innovation activity by focusing on the role of technology, information and learning in economic performance or, in other words, introducing the concept known as "knowledge-based economy". To monitor the progress of moving towards knowledge-based economy there have been introduced a lot of statistical indicators of innovation inputs, such as R&D expenditure and R&D personnel as well as indicators of innovation outputs, for example, number of patent or design applications. There are also several indices showing overall performance of the countries in the pipeline towards building innovation-driven economies, such as Knowledge Economy Index, Global Innovation Index, Innovation Union Scoreboard and Global Competitiveness Index. These and many other indicators of R&D topic are available on our site and can be easily accessed through the present page.

See also: Agriculture | Commodities | Demographics | Economics | Education | Energy | Environment | Exchange Rates | Food Security | Foreign Trade | Healthcare | Land Use | Poverty | Research and Development | Telecommunication | Tourism | Transportation | Water | World Rankings

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هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الوثيقة؟

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