Measles in the United Arab Emirates

Demographics Age
Children Immunization 98 % in 2022 WB
Health Indicators
Cases 109 Number of cases on Feb 2024 WHO
Health Indicators Disease Prevention
Immunization Children 98 % in 2022 WB
Middle East (% in 2022)
Bahrain 99 WB + 1 other
Cyprus 86 WB + 1 other
Iran 99 WB + 1 other
Iraq 88 WB + 1 other
Israel 99 WB + 1 other
Jordan 76 WB + 1 other
Kuwait 99 WB + 1 other
Lebanon 67 WB + 1 other
Oman 97 WB + 1 other
Palestine Children Immunization 1 timeseries
Qatar 99 WB + 1 other
Saudi Arabia 98 WB + 1 other
Syrian Arab Republic 41 WB + 1 other
Turkey 95 WB + 1 other
United Arab Emirates 98 WB + 1 other
Yemen 73 WB + 1 other
Health Communicable Diseases
AIDS Deaths 1 timeseries
Coronavirus 1,053,213 Number on 2023 Mar 9 CSSE
Diphteria Children Immunization 1 timeseries
Hepatitis B Age 1 Immunization 1 timeseries
HIV 21.7 % in 2021 WB + 2 others
Measles 98 % in 2022 WB + 1 other
Tuberculosis 0.76 per 100,000 people in 2022 WB + 1 other