Single males without children are more likely than any other population group in Europe to be unable to afford basic durable goods, according to Eurostat (2014). These goods include, for example, personal cars and telephones. Computers and affordablity of meat-based meals are notable exception, with European men scoring better than their female counterparts. And, while single adults generally tend to be more likely to lack durables than are couples, households with children, by contrast, are at the lowest risk of "enforced lack of durable goods", e.g. these household are more likely to possess all durable goods tracked by Eurostat, with the exception of owning a personal car.

For an infographic summary of the Eurostat findings, follow this link.


Note: Values displayed below represent average shares for the total population for the period from 2003 - 2013. 

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هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذه الوثيقة؟

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