Irkutsk Region

  • The Governor of the Irkutsk Region:Levchenko Sergey Georgievich
  • Chairman of the Irkutsk Region Legislative Assembly:Brilka Sergej Fateevich
  • Capital of the Region, thousand persons:Irkutsk - 623.7 (on the 1st of Jan. 2017)
  • The Distance to Moscow, km:5,042
  • Urban Population, %:78.78 (2017)
  • Population, thousand persons:2,404 (on the 1st of Jan. 2018)
  • Population Density, persons per sq. km:3.10 (on the 1st of Jan. 2018)
  • Area, thousand sq. km:775 (on the 1st of Jan. 2018)
  • First Person Official Web-Site
  • Statistics Agency Official Web-Site
  • Old and Failing Housing Stock, %:6.60 (2016)
  • Number of Employed per One Retired Person:1.53 (2014)
  • Per Capita Monthly Income, Rubles:22,257.50 (2017)
  • GRP per Capita, rubles:443,298 (2016)
  • GRP, billion rubles:1,069 (2016)
  • Gini Index:0.37 (2017)

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