
  • السكان والأشخاص:6,645,149 (2024)
  • المساحة ، كم مربع:108,560
  • الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد ، بالدولار الأمريكي:15,798 (2023)
  • الناتج المحلي الإجمالي ، مليار دولار أمريكي حالي:101.6 (2023)
  • مؤشر GINI:39.0 (2021)
  • تصنيف سهولة ممارسة الأعمال:61

All datasets: H N
  • H
    • أيار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 حزيران, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer price inflation. HICPs are used for the assessment of the inflation convergence criterion as required under Article 121 of the Treaty of Amsterdam and by the ECB for assessing price stability for monetary policy purposes. The ECB defines price stability on the basis of the annual rate of change of the euro area HICP. HICPs are compiled on the basis of harmonised standards, binding for all Member States. Conceptually, the HICP are Laspeyres-type price indices and are computed as annual chain-indices allowing for weights changing each year. The common classification for Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices is the COICOP (Classification Of Individual COnsumption by Purpose). A version of this classification (COICOP/HICP) has been specially adapted for the HICP. Sub-indices published by Eurostat are based on this classification. HICP are produced and published using a common index reference period (2015 = 100). Growth rates are calculated from published index levels. Indexes, as well as both growth rates with respect to the previous month (M/M-1) and with respect to the corresponding month of the previous year (M/M-12) are neither calendar nor seasonally adjusted.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: Statistics Netherlands
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS Publication: Hotels; guests, overnight stays, country of residence, region https://opendata.cbs.nl/portal.html?_la=en&_catalog=CBS&tableId=82061eng&_theme=1026 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   This table presents an overview of the number of guests and their overnight stays in the Netherlands in all hotels, motels, boarding houses, apartments with hotel services, youth accommodation and bed & breakfasts with at least 5 sleeping places. The figures can be broken down by country of origin of the guests (country of residence), parts of the country, provinces, tourist parts of the country and 5 major cities. Data available from: 2012 Status of the figures: The figures for the most recent reporting year 2018 are provisional. The figures until 2017 are final. Changes as of 9 January 2019: Figures for October 2018 have been added. The table now contains separate figures for the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. When will new figures be published? Figures of a new month become available within three months after the end of that month, these are provisional figures. The figures for the complete year are revised one month after publication of the December figures, these are revised provisional figures. Two months later definite figures will be published.
  • N
    • أيلول 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • نيسان 2022
      المصدر: Statistics Sweden
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 08 نيسان, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Nights spent. All hotels, holiday villages, hostels, camping sites, commercially arranged private cottages and apartments by region/county Year 2008 - 2017Please state The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden as source when publishing information.region0010 Greater StockholmCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.0020 Greater GothenburgCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.0030 Greater MalmöCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.0060 Sweden excluding metropolitan areasCommercially arranged private cottages and apartments are not included in regions and Sweden excluding metropolitan areas.
    • نيسان 2022
      المصدر: Statistics Sweden
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 07 نيسان, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics Sweden Between 1978 and 1994, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States were reported separately. Ahead of 1995, the number of specified countries of residence was increased from 15 to 25. Ahead of 1997, the number was further increased to 33; in 2004, the number of countries of residence was increased to 34, and from 2008, 41 countries of residence are reported.Commercially arranged rentals in private cottages and apartments (SoL) have been included in the statistics since 2003. Camping has been included in the statistics since 2008. In 1994, 150 facilities, mainly conference facilities, were added to the Hotels category as a basis for the statistics.country of residenceCountry of residence refers to the country where the guest, regardless of citizenship, resides permanently (more than 12 months). A Swedish citizen residing abroad is thus presented as a guest from the country of residence.country of residenceCountry of residence refers to the country where the guest, regardless of citizenship, resides permanently (more than 12 months). A Swedish citizen residing abroad is thus presented as a guest from the country of residence.country of residenceOther EuropeIn 1978-1994, the Rest of Europe category comprised all European countries except for Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, which were reported separately. Subsequently, the following changes have been made: As from 1995, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Spain are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Rest of Europe category. As from 1997, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia, and Turkey are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Rest of Europe category. As from 2008, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, Romania, and Slovenia are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Rest of Europe category.Rest of AmerikaIn 1997, the Rest of the Americas category, which was previously included in the Other countries category, was added. Subsequently, the following change has been made: As from 2008, Brazil is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Rest of the Americas category.Other AsiaIn 1997, the Other Asia category, which was previously included in the Other countries category, was added. Subsequently, the following changes have been made: As from 2004, China is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Other Asia category. As from 2008, India is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Other Asia category.Other countriesIn 1978-1994, the Other countries category comprised all non-European countries except Canada, Japan, and the United States, which were reported separately. Subsequently, the following changes have been made: As from 1995, Australia and South Korea are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Other countries category. As from 1997, New Zealand is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Other countries category. In 1997, the Rest of the Americas and the Other Asia categories were added, and therefore are no longer included in the Other countries category.Information missingIn 1997, the Not specified category was added.
    • كانون الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 كانون الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The number of bed places in a tourist accommodation establishment is determined by the number of persons who can stay overnight in the beds set up in the establishment, ignoring any extra beds that may be set up upon customer request. The term bed place applies to a single bed; a double bed is counted as two bed places. A bed place is also a place on a pitch or on a mooring in a boat to accommodate one person. One pitch for camping/tent, caravan or similar shelter and one mooring for boat should be counted for 4 bed places if the actual number of bed places is not known.
    • كانون الأول 2023
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 كانون الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Accommodation statistics are a key part of the system of tourism statistics in the EU and have a long history of data collection. Annex I of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council deals with accommodation statistics and includes 4 sections focusing on accommodation statistics of which sections 1 and 2 include the requirements concerning rented accommodation (capacity and occupancy respectively). Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and are compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data are collected via sample or census surveys. However, in a few cases data are compiled from a demand-side perspective (i.e. via visitor surveys or border surveys). Surveys on the occupancy of accommodation establishments are generally conducted on a monthly basis. The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data shall conform to the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics. Accommodation statistics comprise the following information: Monthly data on tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Monthly occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation Annual data on tourism industries(NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3) Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places Regional data  Annual occupancy (arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents) of tourist accommodation establishments at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places at NUTS 2 level, by degree of urbanisation and by coastal/non-coastal area Data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by activity at NUTS 3 level until 2011. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • نيسان 2022
      المصدر: Statistics Sweden
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 08 نيسان, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Statistics SwedenPreliminary statistics. Month 1978M01 - 2019M02Between 1978 and 1994, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States were reported separately. Ahead of 1995, the number of specified countries of residence was increased from 15 to 25. Ahead of 1997, the number was further increased to 33; in 2004, the number of countries of residence was increased to 34, and from 2008, 41 countries of residence are reported.Commercially arranged rentals in private cottages and apartments (SoL) have been included in the statistics since 2003. Camping has been included in the statistics since 2008. In 1994, 150 facilities, mainly conference facilities, were added to the Hotels category as a basis for the statistics.The monthly tables include preliminary statistics and are updated upon each publishing date up until the final statistics for the current year are published. The monthly tables for 2008-2018 refer to final statistics. The final statistics for 2019 will be published in the spring of 2020.country of residenceCountry of residence refers to the country where the guest, regardless of citizenship, resides permanently (more than 12 months). A Swedish citizen residing abroad is thus presented as a guest from the country of residence.country of residenceCountry of residence refers to the country where the guest, regardless of citizenship, resides permanently (more than 12 months). A Swedish citizen residing abroad is thus presented as a guest from the country of residence.country of residenceOther EuropeIn 1978-1994, the Rest of Europe category comprised all European countries except for Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, which were reported separately. Subsequently, the following changes have been made: As from 1995, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Spain are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Rest of Europe category. As from 1997, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia, and Turkey are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Rest of Europe category. As from 2008, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, Romania, and Slovenia are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Rest of Europe category.Rest of AmerikaIn 1997, the Rest of the Americas category, which was previously included in the Other countries category, was added. Subsequently, the following change has been made: As from 2008, Brazil is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Rest of the Americas category.Other AsiaIn 1997, the Other Asia category, which was previously included in the Other countries category, was added. Subsequently, the following changes have been made: As from 2004, China is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Other Asia category. As from 2008, India is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Other Asia category.Other countriesIn 1978-1994, the Other countries category comprised all non-European countries except Canada, Japan, and the United States, which were reported separately. Subsequently, the following changes have been made: As from 1995, Australia and South Korea are reported separately and therefore are no longer included in the Other countries category. As from 1997, New Zealand is reported separately and therefore is no longer included in the Other countries category. In 1997, the Rest of the Americas and the Other Asia categories were added, and therefore are no longer included in the Other countries category.Information missingIn 1997, the Not specified category was added.