
  • Capital:Resistencia
  • Governor:Domingo Peppo
  • Population, Persons:1,071,141 (2010)
  • Land Area, Sq. Km:99,633 (2012)
  • Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:10.6 (2010)
  • Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1'000 Population:22.64 (2011)
  • Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 1'000 Population:6.35 (2011)
  • Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:2.42 (2012)
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Sex Ratio, Males per 100 Females:97.1 (2001)
  • Crime Rate, Crimes per 1'000 Inhabitants:257.7 (2008)
  • Hospital Beds per 1'000 Population, Number:1.90 (2001)
  • Infant Mortality, Deaths per 1'000 Live Births:13.30 (2012)
  • Life Expectancy at Birth, Years:69.97 (2001)
  • Illiteracy Rate, %:5.48 (2010)
  • R&D Expenditure, Thousand $:54,429 (2010)
  • Employment Rate (Urban Areas), %:31.0 (2003)
  • Export Value, Thousand $:304,913 (2012)


All datasets: C S
  • C
    • تشرين الأول 2022
      المصدر: Google
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 04 أيار, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      These Community Mobility Reports aim to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19. The reports chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential.
  • S
    • أيار 2023
      المصدر: National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 تشرين الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      In March 2023, the Total Sales Index at constant prices shows an increase of 3.8% compared to the same month of 2022. The accumulated January-March 2023 shows an increase of 1.9% compared to the same period of 2022. In March 2023, the seasonally adjusted series index shows a positive variation of 1.3% compared to the previous month and the trend-cycle series index registers a positive variation of 0.3% compared to the previous month.