United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNECE's major aim is to promote pan-European economic integration. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. However, all interested United Nations member States may participate in the work of UNECE. Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.

All datasets: A B F G L N P R T
  • A
    • شباط 2022
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Canada ''Passive level crossing'' refers to passive warnings, private crossings and farm crossings. ''Automatic active level crossings with user-side warning'' refers to flashing lights and bells. ''Automatic active level crossings with user-side protection'' refers to gates and other automated warnings.
  • B
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Belgium For vehicle kilometres: National transport = all kms driven in Belgium including the kms from international journeys driven in Belgium, International transport = all the kms driven outside Belgium, Regular national transport = Public Transport and school transport by public transport operators. For total passengers: Touring cars and coaches (occasional services) only, Regular national transport refers to public transport only. Country: Croatia Passenger kilometres refers to interurban transport only. Country: Hungary Number of passenger and vehicle kilometres refer to data from enterprises with more than 49 employees. Country: Ireland Refers to public transport only Country: Latvia Passenger kilometres refers to regular transport only. Country: Norway Urban transport data refer to the 13 largest city-areas only. Country: Poland International transport outside country includes only enterprises with more than 9 employees. Passenger kilometres includes only enterprises with more than 9 employees and does not include urban transport. Country: Portugal Refers to mainland only. Refers to public transport. Country: Slovenia Passenger kilometres refer to public transport. Passenger kilometres, international transport refer to domestic operators only. Country: United States Number of passengers, national transport does not include intercity or school bus transportation. Vehicle kilometres refers to all bus travel in the United States, not only vehicles registered in the country.
  • F
    • آب 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 26 آب, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definitions Killed: Any person who was killed outright or who died within 30 days as a result of the accident. Injured: Any person, who was not killed, but sustained one or more serious or slight injuries as a result of the accident. Driver: Any person who drives a motor vehicle or other vehicle (including a cycle), or who guides cattle, singly or in herds, or flocks, or draught, pack or saddle animals on a road. Passenger: Any person, other than the driver, who is in or on a vehicle. Pedestrian: Any person other than a driver or a passenger according to the above definitions. Persons pushing or pulling a child?s carriage, a bath chair or invalid chair, or any other small vehicle without an engine, or pushing a cycle or moped, and handicapped persons travelling in invalid chairs propelled by such persons or moving at walking pace shall be treated as pedestrians. Road vehicle: A vehicle running on wheels and intended for use on roads. Motor vehicle: Any power-driven vehicle which is normally used for carrying persons or goods by road or for drawing, on the road, vehicles used for the carriage of persons or goods. This term embraces trolleybuses, that is to say, vehicles connected to an electric conductor and not rail-borne. It does not cover vehicles, such as agricultural tractors, which are only incidentally used for carrying persons or goods by road or for drawing, on the road, vehicles used for the carriage of persons or goods. Power driven vehicle: Any self propelled road vehicle, other than a moped and a rail-borne vehicle. Cycle: Any road vehicle which has at least two wheels and is propelled solely by the muscular energy of the person(s) on that vehicle, in particular by means of a pedal system, lever or handle (e.g. bicycles, tricycles, quadricycles and invalid carriages). Moped: Any two-wheeled or three-wheeled road vehicle which is fitted with an internal combustion engine having a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc. (3.05 cu. in.) and a maximum design speed not exceeding 50 km (30 miles) per hour. Motor cycle: Two-wheeled road motor vehicle with or without side-car, including motor scooter, or three-wheeled road motor vehicle not exceeding 400 kg (900 lb.) unleaded weight. This term does not include mopeds. Passenger car: Road motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, intended for the transport of passengers and seating not more than nine persons (including the driver). The term passenger car therefore covers taxis and hired vehicles, provided that they have fewer than ten seats. Motor coach or bus: Passenger road motor vehicle, seating more than nine persons (including the driver). Trolleybus: A passenger road vehicle, seating more than nine persons (including the driver), which is connected to electric conductors and which is not rail-borne. Tramcar: A passenger road vehicle, seating more than nine persons (including the driver), which is connected to electric conductors and which is rail borne. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not available For European Union member states, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland the source of data from year 2005 is CARE database. Country: Albania Included with motorcycles, if not available. Country: Ireland Included with motorcycles, if not available. Country: Poland Included with motorcycles, if not available. Country: Georgia ''<6 years'' refer to ''0-7 years''. ''10-14 years'' refer to ''8-16 years''. ''21-24 years'' refer to ''17-25 years''. ''25-64 years'' refer to ''26-60 years''. ''65 years and over'' refer to ''more than 60 years'' Country: Latvia Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or within 7 days; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Moldova, Republic of From 2008, breakdown by category of user does not sum to total as unknown category of user is not reported. Country: Portugal Data refer to continent only. Country: Portugal Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or during or immediately after transport from the scene of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Spain Persons are recorded as killed who die within 24 hours as a result of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Turkey Data by age group cover accidents only at Police responsibility area for years between 2000-2011 whereas for years between 2012-2015 data cover both Police and Gendermarie responsibility area. Until year 2015 figures on persons killed include the deaths only at the accident scene; however since year 2015 figures on persons killed also include the deaths within 30 days after the traffic accidents due to related accident and its impacts for people injured and sent to health facilities. 6 to 9 years refers to less than 10 years old. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain. Country: United States Sum by category of user is not equal to total as unknown category of user is not shown. Country: Uzbekistan Less than 6 years refers to less than 7 years. 10 to 14 years refers to 8 to 15 years.
    • آب 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 26 آب, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      For European Union member states, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland the source of data from year 2005 is CARE database. Age Group: < 6 years For European Union members, less than 6 years refers to less than 5 years (data provided through CARE database). Age Group: 18 - 20 years For European Union members, 18 to 20 years refers to 18 to 19 years (data provided through CARE database). Age Group: 21 - 24 years For European Union members, 21 to 24 years refers to 20 to 24 years (data provided through CARE database). Age Group: 6 - 9 years For European Union members, 6 to 9 years refers to 5 to 9 years (data provided through CARE database). Country: Georgia ''<6 years'' refer to ''0-7 years''. ''10-14 years'' refer to ''8-16 years''. ''21-24 years'' refer to ''17-25 years''. ''25-64 years'' refer to ''26-60 years''. ''65 years and over'' refer to ''more than 60 years'' Country: Latvia Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or within 7 days; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Portugal Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or during or immediately after transport from the scene of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Spain Persons are recorded as killed who die within 24 hours as a result of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Turkey Data by age group cover accidents only at Police responsibility area for years between 2000-2011 whereas for years between 2012-2015 data cover both Police and Gendermarie responsibility area. Until year 2015 figures on persons killed include the deaths only at the accident scene; however since year 2015 figures on persons killed also include the deaths within 30 days after the traffic accidents due to related accident and its impacts for people injured and sent to health facilities. 6 to 9 years refers to less than 10 years old. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain. Country: Uzbekistan Less than 6 years refers to less than 7 years. 10 to 14 years refers to 8 to 15 years. Sex: Total Sum of males and females may not be equal to total in some countries where victim gender is unknown.
  • G
    • كانون الثاني 2022
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 01 شباط, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Belarus''Lorries'' includes road tractors. ''Trailers'' includes semi-trailers. ''Light goods road vehicles'' include lorries.Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Lorries'' includes road tractors. ''Trailers'' include semi-trailersCountry: KazakhstanLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: BulgariaLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: GermanyLorries, load capacity 5,000 kg - 6,999 kg refers to 5,000 kg to 7,499 kg. Lorries, load capacity 7,000 kg - 9,999 kg refers to 7,500 kg to 9,999 kg.Country: HungaryLoad capacity of ''lorries'' excludes lorries for special purpose. ''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: Hungary''Lorries'' includes special purpose motor vehicles.Country: ItalyLorries, load capacity 1,000-1,499 kg refers to 1,100-1,600 kg, 1,500-2,999 kg refers to 1,700-3,500 kg, 3,000-4,999 kg refers to 3,600-6,000 kg, 7,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000 kg and over refers to 18,100 kg and over.Semi-trailers, load capacity up to 4,999 kg refers to up to 6,000 kg, 5,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000-19,999 kg refers to 18,100-22,000 kg, 20,000 kg and over refers to 22,000 kg and over.Trailers, load capacity up to 4 999 kg refers to up to 6,000 kg, 5,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000 kg and over refers to 18,100 kg.Country: LatviaData from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data.Country: LithuaniaThe state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014.Country: NetherlandsNumber of semi trailers 20,000 kg and over includes semi trailers with unknown load capacities. Number of trailers 15,000 kg and over includes trailers with unknown load capacities.Country: Russian Federation''Lorries'' 1000 kg-1499 kg refer to N1 vehicles (maximum mass of not more than 3.5 tonnes), 5000 kg-6999 kg refer to N2 vehicles (maximum mass between 3.5 and 12 tonnes), and 15000 kg or more refer to N3 vehicles (maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes).Country: SerbiaTerritorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija. Trailers includes semi trailers.Country: Slovakia''Semi-trailers'' includes trailers, 2000-2014. Light goods road vehicles includes all lorries.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to U.S. categories ''Single Unit'' and ''Combination Trucks''Vehicle Category: Light goods road vehicles (vehicle wt up to 3500 kg)Includes all lorries
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      .. - data not available Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definitions Road traffic on national territory : Any movement of road vehicles within a national territory irrespective of the country in which these vehicles are registered. Vehicle-kilometre : Unit of measurement representing the movement of a road motor vehicle over one kilometre. It includes movements of empty road motor vehicles. Units made up of a tractor and a semi-trailer or a lorry and a trailer are counted as one vehicle Road transport : Any movements of goods and/or passengers using a road vehicle on a given road network. When a road vehicle is being carried on another vehicle, only the movement of the carrying vehicle (active mode) is considered. National road transport : Road transport between two places (a place of loading/embarkment and a place of unloading/ disembarkment) located in the same country irrespective of the country in which the vehicle is registered. It may involve transit through a second country. International road transport : Road transport between two places ( a place of loading/embarkment and a place of unloading/disembarkment ) in two different countries. It may involve transit through one or more additional country or countries. Road passenger-kilometre : Unit of measure representing the transport of one passenger by road over one kilometre. A transfer from one road vehicle to another is regarded as disembarkment before re-embarkment. Goods carried by road : Any goods moved by road goods vehicles This includes all packaging and equipment such as containers, swap-bodies or pallets. Tonne-kilometre by road (of goods carried) : Unit of measure of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne by road over one kilometre. Goods loaded : Goods placed on a road vehicle and dispatched by road. Transshipment from one goods road vehicle to another or change of the road tractor are regarded as loading after unloading. Goods unloaded : Goods taken off a road vehicle after transport by road. Transshipment from one goods road vehicle to another or change of the road tractor are regarded as unloading before reloading. International – loaded Goods having left the country by road ( other than goods in transit by road throughout) : Goods which having been loaded on a road vehicle in the country, left the country by road and were unloaded in another country. International - unloaded Goods having entered the country by road ( other than goods in transit by road throughout) : Goods which, having been loaded on a road vehicle in another country, entered the country by road and were unloaded there. Road cabotage transport : National road transport performed by a road motor vehicle registered in another country. Cross trade transport : International road transport performed by a road motor vehicle registered in a third country. A third country is a country other than the country of loading or than the country of unloading. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. Country: Serbia Territorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija. Country: Belarus ''Tonne-kilometres'' refer to goods carried on a commercial basis. Country: Bulgaria Cross-trade transport includes transit. Country: Italy From 2012, tonne kilometres for 'International transport - loaded in the territory of the reporting country' included all international transport. Country: Norway ''Tonne-kilometres'' refer to only goods carried by Norwegian lorries with carrying capacity of 3.5 tonnes or more. Country: Portugal Refers to mainland only. ''Tonne-kilometres'' refers to only goods transported by heavy goods vehicles and road tractors. Country: Slovenia Through 2000, 'Cross-trade transport' includes 'Road cabotage transport'. Country: Sweden ''Tonne-kilometres'' refers to heavy goods vehicles. From 2014 a new method is used to estimate the effect of non-response. Country: Turkey ''Tonne-kilometres'' refer to freight travel on motorways, state and provincial roads. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain.
  • L
    • آذار 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 08 آذار, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Belarus''Lorries'' includes road tractors. ''Trailers'' includes semi-trailers. ''Light goods road vehicles'' include lorries.Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''.Country: CyprusLorries with permissible maximum weight up to 3,500 kg refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 3,501 kg - 7,500 kg refers to load capacity 3,000 kg - 6,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 7,501 kg - 12,000 kg refers to load capacity 7,000 kg - 14,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 12,001 kg - 40,000 kg refers to load capacity 15,000 kg - 19,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 40,000 kg and over refers to load capacity 20,000 kg and overCountry: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: HungaryLoad capacity of ''lorries'' excludes lorries for special purpose. ''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: LatviaData from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data.Country: LithuaniaThe state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014.Country: PolandSemi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 30 001 kg - 40 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight > 30 000 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 751 kg - 3 500 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 3 500 kg.Country: RomaniaSemi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight up to 20 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 9 999 kg. Semi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 20 001 kg - 30 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight 10 000 kg - 14 999 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight up to 750 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 4 999 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 751 kg - 3 500 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight 5 000 kg - 9 999 kgCountry: SerbiaTerritorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija. Trailers includes semi trailers.Country: Slovakia''Semi-trailers'' includes trailers, 2000-2014. Light goods road vehicles includes all lorries.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to U.S. categories ''Single Unit'' and ''Combination Trucks''
    • شباط 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 شباط, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''.Country: CyprusLorries with permissible maximum weight up to 3,500 kg refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 3,501 kg - 7,500 kg refers to load capacity 3,000 kg - 6,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 7,501 kg - 12,000 kg refers to load capacity 7,000 kg - 14,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 12,001 kg - 40,000 kg refers to load capacity 15,000 kg - 19,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 40,000 kg and over refers to load capacity 20,000 kg and overCountry: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: GreeceIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: HungaryIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. Lorries includes special purpose motor vehicles. Trailers include semi-trailers and caravans.Country: LatviaIncludes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only.Country: LithuaniaIncludes new and re-registered vehicles.Country: PortugalFrom 1996 new semi trailers include new trailers.Country: SerbiaRefers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years.Country: SwedenNew trailers exclude caravans.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds.
  • N
    • شباط 2022
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: GermanyLorries, load capacity 5,000 kg - 6,999 kg refers to 5,000 kg to 7,499 kg. Lorries, load capacity 7,000 kg - 9,999 kg refers to 7,500 kg to 9,999 kg.Country: GreeceIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: HungaryIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: Hungary''Lorries'' includes special purpose motor vehicles.Country: ItalyLorries, load capacity 1,000-1,499 kg refers to 1,100-1,600 kg, 1,500-2,999 kg refers to 1,700-3,500 kg, 3,000-4,999 kg refers to 3,600-6,000 kg, 7,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000 kg and over refers to 18,100 kg and over.Semi-trailers, load capacity up to 4,999 kg refers to up to 6,000 kg, 5,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000-19,999 kg refers to 18,100-22,000 kg, 20,000 kg and over refers to 22,000 kg and over.Trailers, load capacity up to 4 999 kg refers to up to 6,000 kg, 5,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000 kg and over refers to 18,100 kg.Country: LatviaIncludes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only.Country: LithuaniaIncludes new and re-registered vehicles.Country: PortugalFrom 1996 new semi trailers include new trailers.Country: SerbiaRefers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years.Country: SwedenNew trailers exclude caravans.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds.Vehicle Category: New light goods vehiclesIncludes all lorries
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: CzechiaRefers to wagons owned by commercial rail operatorsCountry: RomaniaHigh sided wagons includes flat wagons.
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Bulgaria Vessels owned by national operators for hire and reward and own account. Country: Czechia Class I to IV. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain.
    • تشرين الثاني 2019
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 تشرين الثاني, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Bulgaria Vessels owned by national operators for hire and reward and own account. Country: Czechia Class I to IV. Country: Russian Federation From 2012 onward ''1950-1969'' refers to ''Up to 1969''
    • تشرين الثاني 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definitions: Railway vehicle : Mobile equipment running exclusively on rails, moving either under its own power (locomotives and railcars) or hauled by another vehicle (coaches, railcar trailers, vans and wagons). The following vehicles are included in the statistics for a principal railway enterprise: (a) All railway vehicles belonging to the principal railway enterprise and hired by it and actually at its disposal, including those under or waiting for repair, or stored in working or non-working order, and foreign vehicles at the disposal of the system and vehicles of the enterprise temporarily engaged in the normal course of running abroad, or upon secondary railway enterprises’ network. (b) Private owners’ wagons, i.e. those not belonging to the principal railway enterprise but registered on it and authorized to run on it under specified conditions, together with wagons hired out by the railway enterprise to private persons and being operated as private owners’ wagons. Statistics for a principal railway enterprise exclude vehicles not at its disposal, i.e. (a) Foreign or secondary railway enterprise vehicles temporarily on railway lines of the principal railway enterprise in the normal course of running. (b) Vehicles which are on hire to, or otherwise at the disposal of, other railway enterprises (c) Vehicles reserved exclusively for service transport, or intended for sale, breaking-up or condemning. Locomotive : Railway vehicle equipped with prime mover and motor or with motor only used for hauling railway vehicles. Only vehicles with a power of 110 kW and above at the draw hook are classed as locomotives; vehicles with less power being described as “light rail motor tractors” are excluded. Light rail motor tractor is low power tractive unit used for shunting or for work trains and short-distance or low-tonnage terminal services. The special non-passenger tractive units for high speed trains are included, even when these vehicles are part of an indivisible set. Steam locomotive : Locomotive, whether cylinder or turbine driven, in which the source of power is steam irrespective of the type of fuel used. Electric locomotive : Locomotive with one or more electric motors, deriving current primarily from overhead wires or conductor rails or from accumulators carried on the locomotive. A locomotive so equipped which has also an engine (diesel or other) to supply current to the electric motor when it cannot be obtained from an overhead wire or from a conductor rail is classed as an electric locomotive. Diesel locomotive : Locomotive, the main source of power of which is a diesel engine, irrespective of the type of transmission installed. However, diesel-electric locomotives equipped to derive power from an overhead wire or from a conductor rail are classed as electric locomotives. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not available Country: Lithuania Number of railcars in 2013 includes trainsets. Country: United States Includes only Class I freight railroads.
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: United States Includes only Class I freight railroads. From 2001 Canadian-owned US railroads are excluded.
    • شباط 2022
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Canada Total and passive level crossing refer to public crossings only. ''Automatic active level crossings with user-side warnings'' refers to flashing lights and bells. ''Automatic active level crossings with user-side protection'' refers to gates and other automated warnings.
  • P
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      .. - data not available Country: Armenia Passenger-kilometres refers to public transport only. Country: Moldova, Republic of Passenger-kilometres refers to public transport only. Country: Azerbaijan Passenger-kilometres refers to public transport only. Country: Belarus Passenger-kilometres refers to public transport only. Country: Croatia ''Passenger-kilometres'' for ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc'' refers to both national and international transport and refer to public transport only. ''Motorcycles'' includes mopeds. Country: Czechia In 2010 there was a change in road traffic census methodology. For all years ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' includes urban transport. Country: Estonia ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc'' includes buses for national transport and trolley buses. Total passenger kilometers refers to public transportation only. Country: Hungary ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc'' excludes international transport and mini buses. Country: Lithuania ''Passenger-kilometres'' for 2014-2015 refer to transport on national territory. Country: Norway ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''passengers cars'' includes taxis and cars for hire. Country: Poland ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' includes urban transport. Country: Portugal ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' refer to public transport only. Refers to mainland only. Country: Serbia ''Passenger-kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' refer to public transport only. From 2000, data from Kosovo and Metohia are not included. Country: Slovakia Total passenger kilometers refers only to ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' Country: Slovenia Total passenger kilometres exclude motorcycles. From 2003, transport for own account, urban transport and transport performed by private individual road carriers is not included in ''Motor coaches, Buses and Trolleybuses''. Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Total passenger kilometres up to 2011 include motor coaches, buses and trolleybuses only. Country: Turkey ''Passenger-kilometres'' for ''Passenger cars'' and ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' do not include travel on urban roads. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain.
  • R
    • تشرين الثاني 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 تشرين الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • آب 2023
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 25 آب, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      .. - data not available Definition:Motorway: Road, specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not serve properties bordering on it, and which a) Is provided, except at special points or temporarily, with separate carriageways for the two directions of traffic, separated from each other either by a dividing strip not intended for traffic or, exceptionally, by other means; b) Does not cross at level with any road, railway or tramway track, or footpath; and c) Is specially sign posted as a motorway. Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definition:Killed: Any person who was killed outright or who died within 30 days as a result of the accident. Injured: Any person, who was not killed, but sustained one or more serious or slight injuries as a result of the accident. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. For European Union member states, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland the source of data from year 2005 is CARE database. Country: Croatia Data for motorways are included under items for inside built-up areas and outside built-up areas between 1999 and 2004. Country: Ireland Data for motorways are included under items for inside built-up areas and outside built-up areas. Country: Israel Data for motorways are included under items for inside built-up areas and outside built-up areas. Country: Kazakhstan Data for motorways are included under items for inside built-up areas and outside built-up areas. Country: Kyrgyzstan Data for motorways are included under items for inside built-up areas and outside built-up areas. Country: Latvia Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or within 7 days; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Moldova, Republic of Break in series: From 2007 a regulation has made it compulsory for police inspectors to enter data about road accidents. For years prior this is not the case. Country: Netherlands Injured persons refer to persons who were hospitalized. Country: Portugal Data refer to continent only. Country: Portugal Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or during or immediately after transport from the scene of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Spain Persons are recorded as killed who die within 24 hours as a result of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Turkey Until year 2015 figures on persons killed include the deaths only at the accident scene; however since year 2015 figures on persons killed also include the deaths within 30 days after the traffic accidents due to related accident and its impacts for people injured and sent to health facilities. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain.
  • T
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definition: Railway : Line of communication made up by rail exclusively for the use of railway vehicles. Line of communication is part of space equipped for the execution of transport. Railway network : All railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes, e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or ferries. Lines solely used for touristic purposes during the season are excluded as are railways constructed solely to serve mines, forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and which are not open to public traffic. Track : A pair of rails over which railway vehicles can run. Track gauge : Distance between a pair of rails measured between the inside edges of the rail heads. The following track gauges are in use: - Standard gauge: 1.435 m - Large gauge: 1.524 m (VR,SZR); 1.600 m (CIE, NIR); 1.668 m (RENFE, CP) - Narrow gauge: 0.60 m, 0.70 m,0.75 m, 0.76 m, 0.785 m, 0.90 m, 1.00 m. Electrified track : Track provided with an overhead trolley wire or with conductor rail to permit electric traction. Line : One or more adjacent running tracks forming a route between two points. Where a section of network comprises two or more lines running alongside one another, there are as many lines as routes to which tracks are allotted exclusively. Average length of line operated throughout the year : The length of line used for traffic throughout the reported year (including lines operated jointly with other railway enterprises) plus the average length of lines opened or closed during the year (weighted by the number of days they have been operated). The total length of line operated is the length operated for passenger or goods transport, or both. When a line is operated simultaneously by several enterprises it will be counted only once. Electrified line : Line with one or more electrified running tracks. Sections of lines adjacent to stations that are electrified only to permit shunting and not electrified as far as the next stations are to be counted as non-electrified lines. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not available Country: Belarus Passenger only rail traffic includes freight as well. Country: Finland Change in statistical methods in 2015. Country: Latvia From 2009, lines temporarily closed are not included. Country: Netherlands Data are at 1 April. Country: Spain Refers to Renfe and ADIF only Country: Turkey Excludes branch and station lines. Country: United States Includes only Class I freight railroads.
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definition: Railway : Line of communication made up by rail exclusively for the use of railway vehicles. Line of communication is part of space equipped for the execution of transport. Railway network : All railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes, e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or ferries. Lines solely used for touristic purposes during the season are excluded as are railways constructed solely to serve mines, forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and which are not open to public traffic. Track : A pair of rails over which railway vehicles can run. Track gauge : Distance between a pair of rails measured between the inside edges of the rail heads. The following track gauges are in use: - Standard gauge: 1.435 m - Large gauge: 1.524 m (VR,SZR); 1.600 m (CIE, NIR); 1.668 m (RENFE, CP) - Narrow gauge: 0.60 m, 0.70 m,0.75 m, 0.76 m, 0.785 m, 0.90 m, 1.00 m. Electrified track : Track provided with an overhead trolley wire or with conductor rail to permit electric traction. Line : One or more adjacent running tracks forming a route between two points. Where a section of network comprises two or more lines running alongside one another, there are as many lines as routes to which tracks are allotted exclusively. Average length of line operated throughout the year : The length of line used for traffic throughout the reported year (including lines operated jointly with other railway enterprises) plus the average length of lines opened or closed during the year (weighted by the number of days they have been operated). The total length of line operated is the length operated for passenger or goods transport, or both. When a line is operated simultaneously by several enterprises it will be counted only once. Electrified line : Line with one or more electrified running tracks. Sections of lines adjacent to stations that are electrified only to permit shunting and not electrified as far as the next stations are to be counted as non-electrified lines. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not available Country: Finland Change in statistical methods in 2015. Country: Latvia From 2009, lines temporarily closed are not included. Country: Netherlands Data are at 1 April. Country: Spain Refers to Renfe and ADIF only Country: Turkey Excludes branch and station lines. Country: United States Includes only Class I freight railroads.
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definition: Railway : Line of communication made up by rail exclusively for the use of railway vehicles. Line of communication is part of space equipped for the execution of transport. Railway network : All railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes, e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or ferries. Lines solely used for touristic purposes during the season are excluded as are railways constructed solely to serve mines, forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and which are not open to public traffic. Track : A pair of rails over which railway vehicles can run. Track gauge : Distance between a pair of rails measured between the inside edges of the rail heads. The following track gauges are in use: - Standard gauge: 1.435 m - Large gauge: 1.524 m (VR,SZR); 1.600 m (CIE, NIR); 1.668 m (RENFE, CP) - Narrow gauge: 0.60 m, 0.70 m,0.75 m, 0.76 m, 0.785 m, 0.90 m, 1.00 m. Electrified track : Track provided with an overhead trolley wire or with conductor rail to permit electric traction. Line : One or more adjacent running tracks forming a route between two points. Where a section of network comprises two or more lines running alongside one another, there are as many lines as routes to which tracks are allotted exclusively. Average length of line operated throughout the year : The length of line used for traffic throughout the reported year (including lines operated jointly with other railway enterprises) plus the average length of lines opened or closed during the year (weighted by the number of days they have been operated). The total length of line operated is the length operated for passenger or goods transport, or both. When a line is operated simultaneously by several enterprises it will be counted only once. Electrified line : Line with one or more electrified running tracks. Sections of lines adjacent to stations that are electrified only to permit shunting and not electrified as far as the next stations are to be counted as non-electrified lines. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not available Country: Finland Change in statistical methods in 2015. Country: Latvia From 2009, lines temporarily closed are not included. Country: Netherlands Data are at 1 April. Country: Spain Refers to Renfe and ADIF only Country: Turkey Excludes branch and station lines. Country: United States Includes only Class I freight railroads.
    • شباط 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Country: Croatia Includes other trains Country: Serbia From 2012, passenger and goods train movements include other train movements. Country: Sweden ''Locomotives'' includes railcars. Country: United States Through 2009, refers to class I only and passenger train movements refer to Amtrak only. From 2010 onward, includes all railroads.