The Numbers

The Numbers, Nash Information Services, LLC is the premier provider of movie industry data and research services. Major financial institutions, media companies, investors, data analysis companies and production companies rely on our nearly twenty years of data development and modeling. Within the movie industry itself, we serve approximately 1,000 clients, from the major studios and multi-billion dollar production companies to first-time independent filmmakers.

All datasets: B M
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    • أيار 2022
      المصدر: The Numbers
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 أيار, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: The Numbers, Nash Information Services LLC   The Numbers Bankability Index estimates how much someone is worth to a film based on analysis of the Hollywood Creative Graph™, a network of over 130,000 people with over 6 million connections that represent all the films they have worked on together. By using an analytical technique called graph analysis, the Bankability Index measures the influence of each person in the Hollywood Creative Graph, which we translate below into an estimate of the average value added per movie by the 50 biggest players in the industry today.
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