National Institute of Statistics, Italy

The Italian National Institute of Statistics is a public research organisation. It has been present in Italy since 1926, and is the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities. Since 1989 Istat has been performing the role of directing, coordinating, and providing technical assistance and training within the National Statistical System (Sistan). The System was established under Legislative Decree 322/89 in order to rationalise the production and publication of information and to optimise resources allocated to official statistics. Sistanis made up of Istat, central and branch statistical departments of Public Administrations, of local and regional bodies, Chambers of Commerce, other public bodies and administrations providing statistical information.

All datasets: A P R
  • A
    • شباط 2020
      المصدر: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2020
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data source(s) used: Urban environmental data The survey collects environmental informations relating to the capital cities of the 110 Italian provinces. In addition to data collection for the reference year of the survey, the survey also allows the possibility of revising the statistical information collected in relation to previous years, in order to consolidate the time series already available (since 2000). The data collected also contributes to fuel the Environmental Monitoring on the cities, a database designed for the integrated management of statistical information relating to the main environmental issues in urban areas. The issues currently under investigation are: drinking water and water treatment, air quality, use of energy sources, collection and waste management, noise pollution, public transport, urban green, eco-friendly forms of planning, organization and management of local governments. Data and the statistical information derived from the survey, annually disclosed, represent an essential information tool to support the monitoring of the state of the urban environment and the activities undertaken by governments to ensure the good quality of the environment in cities.
    • شباط 2019
      المصدر: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 28 شباط, 2019
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data source(s) used: Urban environmental data The survey collects environmental informations relating to the capital cities of the 110 Italian provinces. In addition to data collection for the reference year of the survey, the survey also allows the possibility of revising the statistical information collected in relation to previous years, in order to consolidate the time series already available (since 2000). The data collected also contributes to fuel the Environmental Monitoring on the cities, a database designed for the integrated management of statistical information relating to the main environmental issues in urban areas. The issues currently under investigation are: drinking water and water treatment, air quality, use of energy sources, collection and waste management, noise pollution, public transport, urban green, eco-friendly forms of planning, organization and management of local governments. Data and the statistical information derived from the survey, annually disclosed, represent an essential information tool to support the monitoring of the state of the urban environment and the activities undertaken by governments to ensure the good quality of the environment in cities.
  • P
    • تشرين الثاني 2023
      المصدر: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 تشرين الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data source(s) used: European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC): Eu-Silc is expected to become the EU reference source for comparative statistics on income distribution and social exclusion at European level, particularly in the context of the "Programme of Community action to encourage cooperation between Member States to combat social exclusion" and for producing structural indicators on social cohesion for the annual spring report to the European Council. The survey is carried out yearly, and provides both cross-sectional and longitudinal information. A rotational sample design is used. The use of 4 rotational groups allows to follow households up to four years. Household and individual characteristics are collected at the time of the interview, expenses refer to the last 12 months, while income reference period is usually the previous calendar year. Other data characteristics: Data is defined not significant when sample size is between 20 and 49 units.The current data differ from the previous ones following the update of the reference populations according to census results.The released data for 2008 were revised in 2018 after a correction of the carryover universe coefficients.The main source of income has been updated compared to the previous data and has been calculated on income that includes among the components the value of meal vouchers, the value of non-monetary fringe benefits (with the exception of the company car already previously considered), self-consumption (goods produced and consumed by the family) and supplementary pensions.
  • R
    • شباط 2020
      المصدر: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 شباط, 2020
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data source(s) used: Urban environmental data:The English description of the source is not available at this time, for methodological details go to the Siqual system