American University

American University is a student-centered research institution located in Washington, DC, with highly-ranked schools and colleges, internationally-renowned faculty, and a reputation for creating meaningful change in the world.

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    • كانون الثاني 2006
      المصدر: American University
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 12 تموز, 2016
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      International patent protection: 1960–2005 Walter G. Park ∗ Department of Economics, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA Received 24 October 2007; received in revised form 14 December 2007; accepted 29 January 2008 Available online 10 March 2008