
  • الرئيس:Joko Widodo
  • نائب الرئيس:Ma'ruf Amin
  • العاصمة:Jakarta
  • اللغات:Bahasa Indonesia (official, modified form of Malay), English, Dutch, local dialects (of which the most widely spoken is Javanese) note: more than 700 languages are used in Indonesia
  • الحكومة
  • مكتب الإحصائيات القومي
  • السكان والأشخاص:278,681,856 (2024)
  • المساحة ، كم مربع:1,892,555
  • الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد ، بالدولار الأمريكي:4,941 (2023)
  • الناتج المحلي الإجمالي ، مليار دولار أمريكي حالي:1,371.2 (2023)
  • مؤشر GINI:38.3 (2023)
  • تصنيف سهولة ممارسة الأعمال:73

All datasets: 2 A C E G I J L O P R S T U W إ
  • 2
    • حزيران 2024
      المصدر: Energy Institute
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 27 حزيران, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy™ analyses data on world energy markets from the prior year. Previously produced by bp, the Review has been providing timely, comprehensive and objective data to the energy community since 1952.
  • A
    • أيلول 2023
      المصدر: International Energy Agency
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 06 تشرين الأول, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      World Electricity access database Hundreds of millions of people have gained access to modern energy over the last two decades, especially in China and India. Rapid economic development in several developing countries, increasing urbanisation and ongoing energy access programmes have been important factors in this achievement. The IEA Access to Energy database provides a snapshot of progress made toward meeting the ultimate goal of universal access. Note: For indicator population without access, value 1 represent <1 except Botswana, Guatemala countries
  • C
    • تموز 2022
      المصدر: Global Oil & Gas Network
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Felix Maru
      تم الوصول في: 31 كانون الثاني, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      data as of June 1, 2021
    • أيار 2020
      المصدر: European Commission
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 أيار, 2020
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Note: (1) Source: Council Regulation (EC) n°2964/95 of 20 December 1995. (2) The cif price includes the fob price (the price actually invoiced at the port of loading), the cost of transport, insurance and certain charges linked to crude oil transfer operations. (3) Due to confidentiality Czech Republic is excluded from EU(28). (4) For Romania November-2016 and December-2016 are estimations derived from Eurostat data
  • E
    • تشرين الأول 2018
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 03 تشرين الثاني, 2018
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      This consumption stands for final energy consumption. This means that the consumption in industry covers all industrial sectors with the exception of the energy sector, like power stations, oil refineries, coke ovens and all other installations transforming energy products into another form. Final energy consumption in transport covers mainly the consumption by railways and electrified urban transport systems. Final energy consumption in households/services covers quantities consumed by private households, small-scale industry, crafts, commerce, administrative bodies, services with the exception of transportation, agriculture and fishing.
    • أيار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 17 أيار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      6.1. Reference area
    • آب 2022
      المصدر: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 تشرين الأول, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      BGR provides the biennial energy study which covers data and developments concerning German and Global energy supplies. In addition the study also provides information on the global generation of renewable energies, including geothermal energy and hydrogen. 
    • تموز 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 07 تموز, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) is one module of the European environmental-economic accounts - Regulation (EU) 691/2011 Annex VI. PEFA record the flows of energy (in terajoules) from the environment to the economy (natural inputs),within the economy (products), andfrom the economy back to the environment (residuals), using the accounting framework of physical supply and use tables. PEFA provide information on energy flows arranged in a way fully compatible with concepts, principles, and classifications of national accounts – thus enabling integrated analyses of environmental, energy and economic issues e.g. through environmental-economic modelling. PEFA complement the traditional energy statistics, balances and derived indicators which are the main reference data source for EU energy policies. This metadata refers to three PEFA datasets based on one and the same data collection: Energy supply and use by NACE Rev. 2 activity (env_ac_pefasu), containing data on supply (table A), use (table B), transformation use (table B1), end use (table B2) and emission-relevant use (table C)Key indicators of physical energy flow accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity (env_ac_pefa04)Physical energy flow accounts totals bridging to energy balances totals (env_ac_pefa05)
    • آب 2024
      المصدر: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 آب, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • حزيران 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 حزيران, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
  • G
    • أيار 2022
      المصدر: International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 أيار, 2022
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      In 2020, global LNG imports reached 356.1 million tons (MT), increasing by 1.4 MT or 0.4% compared with the previous year. Despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic, LNG trade has proven resilient, increasingly diverse and global. Trade continued to grow strongly in the first quarter of 2020 but as demand weakened in the second and third quarters, supply-side adjustments helped balance the market.
  • I
    • حزيران 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 23 حزيران, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 17 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • آب 2024
      المصدر: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
  • J
    • أيلول 2024
      المصدر: Joint Organisations Data Initiative
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The JODI-Gas World Database is a platform that provides access to all data reported through monthly submissions of the JODI-Gas Questionnaire by all participating countries and economies. The database is updated on a monthly basis around the 20th of each month, though there are possibilities for additional updates. Registered users are notified by e-mail alert each time the database is updated. Modelled after JODI-Oil, which features monthly oil production, consumption, stocks and trade data from over 90 countries, JODI-Gas embodies the same objective of enhancing energy data transparency, with the ultimate goal of ensuring global energy security for producers and consumers alike. JODI-Gas World Database covers: Three product categories: Natural gas in million m3 Natural gas in TJ LNG in 1000 tons Twelve flows: Production Receipts from Other Sources Total Imports LNG Total Exports LNG Total Imports through Pipeline Total Exports through Pipeline Stock Change Gross Inland Deliveries (Calculated) Statistical Difference (Calculated) Gross Inland Deliveries (Observed) Of which: Electricity and Heat Generation Closing Stocks; Data for around 80 participating countries. Historical data from January 2009: target is to release one month old data (M-1) every month for all participating countries.
    • أيلول 2024
      المصدر: Joint Organisations Data Initiative
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 16 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Joint Organisations Data Initiative is a concrete outcome of the producer-consumer energy dialogue. The initiative relies on the combined efforts of producing and consuming countries and the seven JODI partner organisations to build the timely, comprehensive, and sustainable energy data provision architecture which is a prerequisite for stable energy commodity markets. More than 90 countries/economies, Members of the six pioneer organisations (APEC, EUROSTAT, IEA, OLADE, OPEC and UNSD) participate in JODI Oil, representing around 90% of global oil supply and demand. When the Joint Organisations Data Initiative Oil (JODI Oil) was first launched in 2001, the primary goal was not to build a database but to raise the awareness of all oil market players to the need for more transparency in oil market data. The database consists of: seven product categories: crude oil, LPG, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil and total oil products; eight flows: production, demand, refinery intake and output, imports, exports, closing stock levels and stock change; data in three different units: barrels, tons and litres; data for more than 90 participating countries; data from January 2002 to one month-old.
  • L
  • O
  • P
  • R
  • S
    • أيار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 26 أيار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The energy balance is the most complete statistical accounting of energy products and their flow in the economy. The energy balance allows users to see the total amount of energy extracted from the environment, traded, transformed and used by different types of end-users. It also allows seeing the relative contribution of each energy carrier (fuel, product). The energy balance allows studying the overall domestic energy market and monitoring impacts of energy policies. The energy balance offers a complete view on the energy situation of a country in a compact format, such as on energy consumption of the whole economy and of individual sectors. The energy balance presents all statistically significant energy products (fuels) of a country and their production, transformation and consumption by different type of economic actors (industry, transport, etc.). Therefore, an energy balance is the natural starting point to study the energy sector. Annual data collection cover in principle the EU Member States, EFTA, EU candidate countries, and potential candidate countries. Time series starts mostly in year 1990. All data in energy balances are presented in terajoules, kilotonnes of oil equivalent and gigawatt hours.
    • حزيران 2023
      المصدر: bp
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 27 حزيران, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Note: The data has been discontinued since BP Statistical Review Report has a new custodian: Energy Institute (EI) The BP Statistical Review of World Energy has provided high-quality, objective and globally consistent data on world energy markets. The Review is one of the most widely respected and authoritative publications in the field of energy economics, used for reference by the media, academia, world governments and energy companies. A new edition is published every June. Historical data from 1965 for many sections.
    • آب 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 07 آب, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption by sector and fuel type (commodity balance). Annual data collection cover in principle the EU Member States, EFTA, EU candidate countries, and potential candidate countries. Time series starts mostly in year 1990.
    • تموز 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 تموز, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption by sector and fuel type (commodity balance). Annual data collection cover in principle the EU Member States, EFTA, EU candidate countries, and potential candidate countries. Time series starts mostly in year 1990.
    • تموز 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 18 تموز, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption by sector and fuel type (commodity balance). Annual data collection cover in principle the EU Member States, EFTA, EU candidate countries, and potential candidate countries. Time series starts mostly in year 1990.
    • آب 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 17 آب, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption by sector and fuel type (commodity balance). Annual data collection cover in principle the EU Member States, EFTA, EU candidate countries, and potential candidate countries. Time series starts mostly in year 1990.
  • T
    • أيار 2024
      المصدر: Eurostat
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 26 أيار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Total energy supply is one of the most important aggregate of the energy balance. For the total of all energy products this is the total energy delivered/consumed in a country excluding deliveries to international aviation and international marine bunkers. For primary products (those directly harvested from nature) it shows the available supply. For derived products (manufactured products, secondary products) it covers only their international trade, stock changes and deliveries to international aviation and international marine bunkers. Production of derived products is recorded in the transformation output. Consequently, Total energy supply for derived products can be negative - which means its original primary form of supply was accounted for in the form of the respective primary energy product.
  • U
    • تموز 2024
      المصدر: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 تموز, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • أيلول 2024
      المصدر: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 19 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data updates are released on every Thursday.
    • آب 2024
      المصدر: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 21 آب, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
    • آب 2024
      المصدر: U.S. Energy Information Administration
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 02 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      1). U.S. Gross Output: Gross output is the value of gross domestic product (GDP) plus the value of intermediate inputs used to produce GDP 2). Implicit Price Deflator: The gross domestic product implicit price deflator is used to convert nominal dollars to chained (2009) dollars.
    • كانون الثاني 2024
      المصدر: United Nations Statistics Division
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 17 كانون الثاني, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata
    • نيسان 2023
      المصدر: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 13 نيسان, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Uranium is the raw material used to produce fuel for long-lived nuclear power facilities, necessary for the generation of significant amounts of baseload low-carbon electricity for decades to come. Although a valuable commodity, declining market prices for uranium in recent years, driven by uncertainties concerning the evolution in the use of nuclear power, have led to significant production cutbacks and the postponement of mine development plans in a number of countries and to some questions being raised about future uranium supply.
  • W
    • آذار 2024
      المصدر: World Nuclear Association
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 25 آذار, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: World Nuclear Association Definition of indicators: at). Operable = Connected to the grid. b). Under Construction = First concrete for reactive reactor, or major refurbishment underway. c). Planned = Approvals, funding or commitment in place, mostly expected in operation within 8-10 years d). Proposed = Specific program or site proposals, timing of start of operation very uncertain. Note: Nuclear Electricity Generation values ​​are annual and value changes every year.
    • أيلول 2024
      المصدر: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 20 أيلول, 2024
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      Data cited at: OPEC-https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/publications/338.htm Users may include the Material in internal reports, and for educational and research purposes, and/or reports to clients, on an occasional and infrequent basis, provided that all such material is clearly attributed to OPEC, and bears a notation that it is copyrighted by OPEC. Monthly counts of rotary rigs drilling for oil and gas worldwide, in the OPEC and non-OPEC countries. Baker Hughes Inc. and OPEC Secretariat's estimates.
  • إ
    • أيار 2023
      المصدر: Bahrain Open Data Portal
      تم التحميل بواسطة: Knoema
      تم الوصول في: 11 أيار, 2023
      تحديد مجموعة بيانات
      مجموعة البيانات التي توفرها iGA عبر http://www.data.gov.bh وشروط الاستخدام المتوفرة على http://www.data.gov.bh/ar/TermsOfUse. إلى الحد الأقصى المسموح به بموجب القانون ، فإن iGA غير مسؤولة عن أي ضرر أو خسارة من أي نوع تحدث بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر عن طريق استخدام مجموعات البيانات أو أي تحليلات أو تطبيقات مشتقة