Along with the impressive figures of world's recent telecommunication technology development such as doubling of the households with internet access through the last decade or nearing to a reading of one mobile cellular phone per person, there are still a lot of countries where Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) uptake is still very low. Thus, in Africa, as for 2012, only 8% of households possess a computer and only 6% have access in the Internet. For comparison, in Europe the same indicators constitute 76 and 74 percent respectively making European region the leader by affordability of personal computers and the Internet. What are the other tendencies taking place across the globe which is headily moving towards information society? To answer this question, explore data and ready-made visual analysis presented below.

See also: Agriculture | Commodities | Demographics | Economics | Education | Energy | Environment | Exchange Rates | Food Security | Foreign Trade | Healthcare | Land Use | Poverty | Research and Development | Telecommunication | Tourism | Transportation | Water | World Rankings

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