نسبة الراسبين سنوات عديدة في التعليم الثانوي

15.3 (النسبة المئوية) in 2010

Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Total is the number of students enrolled in the same grade as in the previous year, as a percentage of all students enrolled in secondary school. It is calculated by dividing the sum of repeaters in all grades of secondary education by the total enrolment of secondary education and multiplying the result by 100.

التاريخ Value تغيير , %
2010 15.3 -22.14 %
2000 19.7 -7.27 %
1989 21.2 -31.44 %
1987 30.9 -9.29 %
1985 34.1 95.72 %
1984 17.4 -35.69 %
1983 27.1 92.10 %
1982 14.1 -37.40 %
1981 22.5 2.16 %
1979 22.1 76.15 %
1978 12.5 -20.10 %
1977 15.7