صادرات السلع والخدمات

873,989,077,278 (دولار أمريكي) in 2023

Exports of goods and services consist of sales, barter, or gifts or grants, of goods and services from residents to non-residents. The treatment of exports and imports in the SNA is generally identical with that in the balance of payments accounts as described in the Balance of Payments Manual.

التاريخ Value تغيير , %
2023 873,989,077,278 -5.61 %
2022 925,951,740,812 16.55 %
2021 794,469,699,413 25.21 %
2020 634,514,069,663 -4.51 %
2019 664,477,779,339 -1.08 %
2018 671,737,923,280 13.88 %
2017 589,858,681,681 12.24 %
2016 525,530,245,752 -4.35 %
2015 549,421,999,164 -9.10 %
2014 604,391,776,173 0.73 %
2013 600,013,186,286 3.36 %
2012 580,505,492,423