إجمالي إنتاج الفحم الأولي

92,546 (thousand short tons) in 2022

The sum of sales, mine consumption, issues to miners, and issues to coke, briquetting, and other ancillary plants at mines. Production data include quantities extracted from surface and underground mines, and normally exclude wastes removed at mines or associated reparation plants. Primary coal is all coal milled and, when necessary, washed and sorted.

التاريخ Value تغيير , %
2022 92,546 -1.96 %
2021 94,394 14.62 %
2020 82,356 -14.21 %
2019 95,999 3.76 %
2018 92,524 13.28 %
2017 81,679 1.50 %
2016 80,473 24.98 %
2015 64,390 -10.46 %
2014 71,911 -1.33 %
2013 72,877 -5.91 %
2012 77,458 -6.55 %
2011 82,885