Value added in other activities growth rate (at constant 2015 prices)

4.3 (النسبة المئوية) in 2023

Other service activities include education, health and other personal services, public administration and defense

التاريخ Value تغيير , %
2023 4.3 -15.26 %
2022 5.1 77.45 %
2021 2.9 89.85 %
2020 1.5 -22.40 %
2019 1.9 -68.17 %
2018 6.1 401.39 %
2017 1.2 -49.30 %
2016 2.4 -200.32 %
2015 -2.4 -660.05 %
2014 0.4 -90.94 %
2013 4.7 -41.58 %
2012 8.1