Value added in agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing in constant LCU prices of 2015

20,117,545,997 (القيمة، وحدة العملة المحلية) in 2023

Agriculture consists of agriculture, hunting and forestry and fishing

التاريخ Value تغيير , %
2023 20,117,545,997 -6.27 %
2022 21,463,596,940 3.23 %
2021 20,791,177,882 9.02 %
2020 19,070,989,484 2.50 %
2019 18,605,150,388 3.41 %
2018 17,992,086,864 -0.42 %
2017 18,067,233,036 15.32 %
2016 15,666,763,968 -15.04 %
2015 18,440,727,000 -14.61 %
2014 21,596,529,144 18.49 %
2013 18,226,760,383 -4.81 %
2012 19,148,619,528