إجمالي الاستهلاك الصافي للطاقة

89.40 (billion kilowatthours) in 2023

Consumption of electricity computed as generation, plus imports, minus exports, minus transmission and distribution losses.

التاريخ Value تغيير , %
2023 89.40 -8.78 %
2022 98.01 -30.00 %
2021 140.01 7.77 %
2020 129.91 1.34 %
2019 128.19 -3.41 %
2018 132.72 1.87 %
2017 130.28 -7.49 %
2016 140.83 0.65 %
2015 139.92 -6.83 %
2014 150.17 -5.11 %
2013 158.26 -1.43 %
2012 160.56